Rub Lowe

All right, let's see… "It was the best of times, it was the BLURST of times??" Stupid commenter!

What I've been arguing is that structure works for those type of shows. Whereas here, the weekly procedural is clearly the weakest part of the show and has the potential to slow down and dampen the viewing experience, even when it thematically ties in to the bigger picture and is well written. On any show there

While it is true that all shows need to keep certain things constant, and what you refer to as episodic pretty much occurs in every series in existence, the procedural aspect varies widely from show to show. Take for example, by your definition, shows that feature cops that were discussed.

Actually, being a cop is pretty much the only alias John has used. He loves flashing that badge around. As for Shaw, she never seems to be at her job. I'm not sure how she hasn't been fired yet.

That's true, but it is still fundametally, a procedural. It may not always seem that way at first glance because the arcs are extremely well planned and executed, but the show stays firmly rooted in its structure. Even now, with an AI hunting them and watching their every move they're doing exactly what they've

It's not just that. For one thing, this show is a slow starter. Most of season one while very promising, took time to build intensity and find out what worked and what didn't. On top of that, it's a "long game" show which burns slower. Like you said, the 22 episode 40 something minute arc is a large one, which often

You're forgetting that things work different in the PoI universe - when someone is shot they drop their gun and collapse unconscious. Therefore, if they are not holding a gun, nothing else happens.

The "dog ate their homework" line was by far the best thing about this episode.

Oh, you.

And why the hell would Shaw pull a gun on Dominic at the laundromat so quickly? She didn't even wait to see what he would do.

I found this episode well structured, but it was rather slow and boring to watch- were all the actors having an off day? I applaud the writers for trying to make a "The Wire" style episode, but it just didn't seem to come together. The dialogue seemed forced, such as with Dominic talking to Shaw and with Link in the

Oh, I've got cable, alright. Rub lower baby.

Because aliens

To put on my geek cap, I just don't see Zeus and Jor El existing in the same universe.

Dear Kung Fu Ponda Baba,
Lego Batman, AV Newswire, Sean O'Neal, Sunday.

Dear Lego Batman,

I find Caviziel's monotoned delivery literally the most annoying part of his performance, and while they could have cast someone who was more charismatic, I'm starting to see little nuances he brings out in the character lately. …or they've just learned to write and shoot around him better after three seasons.

Is it gold, Jerry? Gold?

Then you have an excuse to use the "wipe yourself off, you're bleeding" or "wipe yourself off, you dead" lines. Depending on, you know, how well the surgery goes.

Look, I think we should leave Hugh alone. If he wants to be in movies at his age, I say let him. If cameos are all he can handle, let him do cameos. If pulling the same expression and delivering the expected dull performance makes him happy, I say let him have his shot. He's had a long and hard career from desperate