Rub Lowe

Adam Sandler.. is a turnip.

I literally love that we're giving machines anthropomorphic qualities now like gender.

"This episode especially had several computer game "beats" - the way they were shot, and the themes"
On that note, I really enjoyed that fact that when Claire pulled the switch at the end, absolutely nothing happened. I find it ironic that an artificial system, whose world and existence lies entirely in the digital

Next thing you know, they'll be applying makeup on each other at Shaw's place of employment while talking about their day. Before you know it, pillow fights!

I literally want to marry this show, but here are some points. Firstly, I still think bear is being unfairly underestimated. I would have loved to see Samaritan scan Bear's face, display his photo, then instantly change it to a less menacing photo on a white background.

Double blow heaven: Urge to swill

In communist Russia, Tetris movie watches you!

Speaking of, where's the dog's secret identity? Believability shattered

The dog doesn't get a secret identity? This obviously hasn't been very well thought out.

And now, the old man dancers!


Explain how

Aww a peanut? I wanted twenty dollars.

Or, we discover that Renner is just a failed pale and slow Jason Bourne clone, and Bourne politely sends him away to stop him annoying anyone else. It'll be called Bourne vs Bizarro Bourne: The Bournetilmatum

"I'd be just like that Matrix scene where Neo fights all those other Neo.. "
I don't recall Neo ever doing that. Also, can someone please tell me where I am and how I can get home?
Edit: I don't read good.

Renner: So, you really don't remember anything?

Thank you. It's literally the best user name ever.

Guess he's schticking with it

It's pronounced Douché, isn't it?

You were one of the first to speak out against horseplay