“The reason why that’s important is, when women take maternity leave or time to be with the children, then what happens is they fall behind on the experience level, which means that the pay becomes a differential.”
“The reason why that’s important is, when women take maternity leave or time to be with the children, then what happens is they fall behind on the experience level, which means that the pay becomes a differential.”
Inherently rewarding my ass. You realize you need to provide evidence and/or an argument for a claim like that, right?
What has given you the impression any gawker site does things differently on normal days? Good lord.
Solid anecdotal evidence. Too bad the stats show that gay men are vastly more likely to have HIV, which is fine, except that we can’t perfectly detect HIV in blood donations.
Yeah, I’m sure you know more about people who have PhDs in infectious diseases and study this shit for real.
Well done sneaking Depression Quest in there. I was almost convinced this wasn’t a baldfaced attempt to shill some trashcan game developed by people you personally approve of.
It actually kind of is, in a competitive sports league.
Nobody sane gives a shit what Anita said about anything, please.
solid argument there
You mean he couldn’t play when basketball wasn’t fucking basketball?
do you do anything other than steal content from reddit, wait a week, and post it?
I have 100+ stimpacks and I haven’t even been trying to save them.
“Nothing here says that Patrick Kane did not rape somebody.”
What could possibly have given you the impression you have the faintest idea what feminism is about?
oh my lord the irony