
The problem I have with the NFL is that outwardly, they want the fans to believe that it's all about them - when in reality, it's all about separating the fans from their money. The media talks and talks and talks some more about players like Lynch, because he's a gifted position player who doesn't fit neatly into

You fucking won the battle - and the war.

The topic of spending comes up daily, because our bank has a system whereby we can assign each transaction to a category (so we can track our food budget, transportation budgets, etc) which has made it real easy for me to say, "Well, I got everything reconciled - the gas bill went up $12...and this thing from Chic

It's totally okay to call THIS Seattle player an asshole, right? I mean, he's a white dude.

This is the same local idiot who won the Vikings' corner of the New Era 'Speak with Your Cap' NFL fan promotion a couple years back. Well played, unsung local idiot.

This is yet another reason why despite some insanely relatable characters (that guy in the American Family Insurance commercials, and that guy that went supernova about being the best of all time after that game last season, and that guy with the gold-soled cleats), most people would like to punch that entire

If suggestions for Adequate Man future topics are welcome here, how about one that's dedicated to making me just good enough at not rolling my fucking eyes when Lauren Evans not only excludes an easily-qualified (and deserved) shot at bling, but then goes out of her way to note the exception because of its importance

Taking draft picks away from a franchise that's proven surgically adept at restocking through fucking veteran free agency is the NFL-est of possible NFL sanctions, provided they can actually prove that the Patriots conspired to let air out of game balls as the home team in a conference championship game. Which they'll

I'm glad the Cowboys lost, and I don't think they got jobbed on this particular call - heck, there was a bonehead fumble, bonehead end-of-half clock management, bonehead secondary coverage - to ultimately cost them the win.

I can think of a thousand reasons to not take the two minutes to climb the running boards of my crew cab and clear roof snow, but one reason to do this - because I'm the asshole putting drivers behind me at risk if I don't - trumps all of these.

Do you love, or hate turds? Personally, the only turd I ever loved was the one I waited and waited for.

Don't cite Herbstreit's insane gorilla math. Just don't.

Herbstreit says it was more like 70 percent.

Honestly, when the St. Paul PD rolled past me on the way to an incident involving some asshole who shot a cop this Fall, I asked this same question.

1. Vodka Sam.

Your daily reminder that among the NFL's players, there are about 1500 overgrown children and a dozen and a half or so actual mature adults.

Happiest douche in a city frought with douches. Not too shabby!

If there's any possible way you can rethink the sheer stupidity of this comment, that would be great.

If that's not a "Fuck you, pay me" statement from an agent, I don't know what is.

No distinction between vocal Sleigh Ride and instrumental Sleigh Ride is the reason this entire list is bullshit. I'm fine with vocal Sleigh Ride at 33, but instrumental Sleigh Ride is absolutely the top Christmas song on any non-bullshit list of Christmas songs, ever.