
There's just something about the way Janay Rice carries herself that makes me think she's perfectly okay with getting the everloving shit beat out of her for the rest of her life, if that's the way it ends up. It's weird and not in any way okay, but it's there.

Henderson is that rare athlete that was mature enough to know he wasn't mature enough to be in college at 19, so he joined the military, served in Iraq, got jobbed by the GI Bill, played juco ball for two years, had his scholarship withdrawn by Texas State, and is upset that he can't share this experience with his

Or tell him that before he was born, Daddy made the decision that he wasn't ready for college, joined the military, served in Iraq - and met and married Mommy. Then Daddy knew he was ready for college, researched what a fucking joke the GI Bill is (when they tell you it covers secondary educational expenses 'up to'

I remember reading about the oldest players in Division 1 football earlier this season and Henderson's story really stuck out to me. He wasn't sure he was ready for college when he graduated from high school a year late in 2007, and joined the military. By his own account, he matured personally and emotionally while

20,000 killed in London. For scale, consider that the AK47 rifle has (conservatively) killed almost 20 million in armed conflicts worldwide within the timeframe you describe - leaving out the World War 2 years, of course.

Discord, Drewsef - I'm pretty sure bombs haven't killed nearly as many people as you're thinking when you put 'bombs' at #2 on your list.

'Lolly Water' is what we used to call the fruity carbonated malt beverages the ladies drank - wine coolers and whatnot.

Ryan is not the huckster he seems to be - the fire is still there, but when he comes off the field, he's being as good a company man as he can, given the circumstances. He's not trashing anyone or anything about this organization, because he's well aware that there are gonna be jobs available (so many jobs!) and

The last true analog rock album.

Blow Up Your Video is still this band's greatest album, post Back in Black/Who Made Who.

A thousand times, this. I remember watching his program and when he'd really go to town chopping something or other...whoa, baby.

Listen to these fucking rednecks call this comeback! Still gold after 20 years.

I wish I could agree with you because I detest the Redskins as a matter of family tradition, but the fact remains that at some point, you have to be able to read both coverages and route progressions. From his first snap in the NFL, it has been evident that Griffin is capable of neither - at least with any manageable

He's the best football player in college this season, and it's not close - regardless of what Nike University would have you believe.

The difference between these two is that one of them is arguably the greatest player in the history of the game at the position and the other is a pitchman for Subway who thinks he's fooling everyone into believing he can read coverages.

She's dumb, but she's ours, Minnesota. Sigh.

That's because he couldn't read traffic past the first lane.

The commissioner did what the commissioner is hired to do: took decisive action that didn't put the owners in jeopardy of a run-in with the NFLPA and likely minimized the tarnish on the league. He's probably a miserable human being, but this is - after all - his job.

It still boggles my mind that the team basically asked the commissioner's office to put this jackass on some special exemption, without realizing that it was gonna cost them $6.5 million just to take a small chance that they'd ever get ANY work out of that player this season.

Maybe I'm confused about the definition of cisgender, although I've read a little bit about how the term can be confusing in terms of conventional thinking about gender identity. How was that provisional experience of privilege distinct? I read this as you were treated badly when your gender experience as a male