
This play should have been blown dead the instant the right OT attempted to push the first ball carrier forward/prevent him from being downed by contact. You can't even make the argument that the OT was attempting to block the would-be tackler, as his head and left shoulder are clearly in front of the plane of his

I'll be the first to admit that I have all kinds of ambivalence towards what I don't fully understand, but this is an interesting narrative.

I watch an ungodly amount of game replays (thanks NFL Network!) and I would assume there are tens of thousands of people - just fans like me - who have been thinking what Harrison finally said last night since Griffin was barely eight games into his career.

Am I the only person in the Universe who saw Lebowski and just didn't see the humor? DAMMIT!

My now elderly father still calls me at work on weekdays when he finds this movie on a random cable channel: "Ah, just watching Dumb and Dumber and thought I'd see what you're up to." One of his favorites.

I'm a reasonably nonviolent person, but at some point, can we all agree we'd all be a lot better off if the grenade tattooed on this jagoff's neck was a real grenade?

You've played your trump card, sir! Well done!

This is the most 'I am an entitled Boston area sports fan' comment I've read since - well, yesterday, I guess.

If gay people choose to be gay - IF - you're still gonna have yayhoos like Sanders saying it's not a 'choice' with which they agree. For crying out loud.

Many years ago, I was in Chicago on the set of a TV production studio. I can't even remember what advertisers Da Coach was there for, but he's one of the very few sports personalities I can recall that agreed to hang around and keep on going after the producers got what they needed ahead of the agreed-upon schedule,

Here's some more advice, professionals in your 20s:

We all see what you did, there.

I understand these are reader narratives, but why can't someome at least scan for spelling, verb case and consistent pronoun use?

+1 functioning digit

Those young men from Oak Harbor are welcome on my lawn.

Pull over and call law enforcement, dumbfucks. These two morons are lucky they're not dead.

Mrs. Rubbish sent me this link with the message, "I DESPERATELY wanted this to be Paris Hilton."

I DVR NFL games frequently because I can bang through actual game action in about 45 minutes. I took a look at ONE of the three games I recorded from Sunday and this happened twice.

I got passed just the other day by a woman in a goddamn Suburban who was - I shit you not - talking on her cell phone AND putting on lipstick at the same time. Steering with her elbows.

I've watched this loop about 25 times, and I just keep thinking, "If Adams gets manhandled inbounds, the goddamn game is over."