
Just don't forget that this guy won your feeble club six division titles while he was skipper, and that things didn't go to shit until the handcuffs of Sideburns' contract and injuries sent the whole fucking club into a tailspin.

Some insight, for what it's worth - my molars are (thanks to genetics!) much wider than the profile of my gumline; this makes getting at the bacteria along the gumline kind of tricky with a conventional brush. I can't really go up/down and back/forth along the top third because most bristle profiles are simply too

Some insight, for what it's worth - my molars are (thanks to genetics!) much wider than the profile of my gumline;

Hughes had starts throughout the season with opportunities to get one more batter - and it's not like he's starving on his current contract's base salary. Meanwhile, the Twins are still so goddamn cuffed by Sideburns McBackinjury that I'm surprised they aren't holding onto every dollar they can.

Yep. Here's one you missed. I've recently begun replacing certain outlets in my home's den, bedrooms, kitchen and family room with these:

Yep. Here's one you missed. I've recently begun replacing certain outlets in my home's den, bedrooms, kitchen and

I'm pretty sure Patterson's family - like his father and uncles - are the Kadoka Pattersons.

My brain, to me:

Seriously, though. I'm checking back here weekly for game breakdowns!

I think we should - given that Griffin has been at this as a starter for darn near the equivalent of two full seasons' worth of games, now - and still can't get past the read-one, regardless of how proficient against the pass the defenses he's faced have been. It's one game, but watch the NFL Network reruns if you

Is it obvious to anyone that Cousins' comparative deficiencies are MORE than offset by his comparative ability to get through progressions and move the ball upfield more efficiently than the 'read-one, too-slow, panic-button, run-for-it' attack of that other guy?

Please tell me we're not possibly gonna give this guy a pass because he ultimately threatened to harm himself and that sets off the mental illness alarms.

Yuengling sucks? You shut your dirty pirate mouth, Will. Yuengling keeps me from getting homesick for the wonderful Lagers of my home state when I'm traveling through Eastern Pennsylvania.

When you were with the Vikings, Adrian Peterson came up nine yards short of the single-season rushing record. I've always wondered, as an offensive lineman, how aware are you of those kind of milestone accomplishments that might be looming for the guys behind you?

We're getting into uncharted territory, here in Vikings country. Some discussion on local sports radio and podcasts today about the fine line between not condoning child endangerment (or questionable parenting? OR child neglect? OR child abuse?) and not condoning certain 'cultural' distinctions being made by

Southerners aren't about to let us make this about Southern culture. Blacks aren't about to let us make this about black culture. My parents' generation isn't about to let us make this about the way they raised my generation.

You left out the climactic final act - where the abused starts blaming everyone but the abuser for costing the abuser EVERYTHING.

This, and for the love of Mike, if everyone who reads this could instruct their children not to come running up to leashed dogs full speed, screaming, "Can I pet your pupp-eeee?" when they see a complete stranger walking a dog in the sidewalk, that would be great.

The death of a pet is strange because, as you said, there's a pretty good chance you'll outlive virtually any pet you'll ever own.

Whether I travel via air for business or personal reasons, I have a 'uniform' - it's a pair of khaki pants, a pair of sturdy boots, and a tailored, short-sleeved golf shirt. I've never actually considered just how comfortable my clothing is when I have to fly, I just wore this once on a long flight for work and kind

To clarify - this is the NFL that's anti-fan with regard to the playoff game in Green Bay this past January. NOT the leadership or management of The Green Bay Packers Football Club.

When does the black eye swell to the point that the owners vote no confidence? I mean, where are the owners in all this?