
It's not even so much that there was no reason not to look AT the tape - the NFL wants us to believe they couldn't even come up with a reason to look FOR the tape.

She thinks we, the media consumers, with our 'opinions' somehow share responsibility for her misery. Screw that and screw her. She's now made her bed, with hospital corners. She can go ahead in lie in it.


I don't accept this premise. There's no shame at all in admitting that you'll trade your safety for millions of dollars - as I wrote in my original post, this is the definition of hypocrisy - but the very idea that at least holding the victim responsible for her own actions following the assault is somehow victim blam

'New video evidence that just became available today.'

Rats off a sinking ship, Tom.

She married him AFTER this shit, you guys.

You can't compare the NFL to fucking Chick fil A.

We used to have a small changing room next to our swimming pool, where guests could go in and change into their swimming suits. After a particularly long week which had left me too tired for a swim since the previous weekend, I had been thinking about a dip all Friday afternoon.

Boom, shocka-locka.

Golden Tate is one of those douchebags that I hoped would be maimed on the field BEFORE he joined a rival in my team's division.

Yeah. Lacy was bulldozering a linebacking and secondary group that's built almost entirely to string running plays out and down the line of scrimmage before he messed up his squash, and Bulaga was injured early in the game, not to return.

Oh, for fuck's sake. Both of these jackasses were from KMSP-TV's home DMA. FOX9 isn't the news entity raising the "empty fear-mongering" - it's either all in your head, or it's Paul Thompson's asking you to consider the potenial of 'obvious and unsettling' implications of fucking FACTS uncovered by a journalist whose

You're gonna get the everlovin' shit bashed out of you by entitled parents that wield their children at the public like riot batons, but I wanted to tell you that as a parent of two who travels at all times of day, all days of the week, and throughout the Western Hemisphere, I totally agree with you. Earplugs and

God Dammit. An NFL owner with what appears to be a functioning heart. Color me astounded.

The worst part was being stuck in traffic immediately adjacent to the fairgrounds and not being able to exit so I could drive my Tahoe into the fairgrounds and right over top of the chair Zimmern was surely testing the load limit upon.

This was so much better than listening to that turd Andrew Zimmern go on and on (and fucking ON...) about the food at the State Fair via the only afternoon drive radio show I can normally stand, the other night.

Gakwer hyperbole would have required a narrative on the necessity of this limousine because our chief executive is a black man in America today, and therefore not responsible for much of anything - particularly his own self-preservation.

Huh. A place I've commonly seen this tee shirt was on a naval station in the Persian Gulf about ten years ago. The guys you absolutely want to do the things you know have to be done, but don't want to admit that our armed forces have guys that will do those things, wear them on their downtime.

I watched - what? - about the first thirty seconds of this season's Hard Knocks on HBO before I heard Big & Tender's voice, and I immediately wanted to go to my neighbor next door and give him a consolation hug for the Mike Tice years.