
Yeah - there's some validity to this. I'm a Packers fan in Vikings country. The problem we have as a fanbase is that the ones that really remember what a shitshow it was in the Fox Valley between '75 and '91 all live in the Northern and Western parts of the state. If you go anywhere East of Highway 51 and South of

Almost as amusing as the arguments about what this gadfly did with the extra $154,000 she raised via a $6,000 kickstarter campaign.

I dunno - that seems like an awful lot of empty statistical gobbledegook - 'half the lyrics and reference tracks'? I'd like to talk to anyone who has actually worked with her and hasn't had to sign a non-disclosure agreement with the goddamn spin machine that brought us 'Life is but a Dream'.

This may be the most interchangeable catchall argument to every question ever asked about how many white people work at (insert name of black-owned business or institution specifically for black consumption) I can think of.

FINALLY. Someone who totally gets me.

And, her batting average is still an unknown. Anyone? ANYONE?

You have to deal with knowing punctuation and capitalization rules exist, but I won't spend the next ten fucking days hammering on you AND EVERYONE ELSE IN THE ENTIRE COUNTRY about it.

You just compared what will more than likely be decided to have been little more than an officer-involved shooting to the single largest, most costly and most violent act of terrorism in modern history.

Almost as exhausting as having racism CONSTANTLY thrown in my face for the last week and a half.

What's her batting average?

Thanks for not referring to Michael Brown as a 'boy' or even a 'teenager', Petch. It's the little things - like these grown men acknowledging all the questions surrounding the death of a grown man - that the vast majority of news and opinion pieces on the topic aren't doing right.

How the Hell does the media "misquote" witnesses on live television?

You're getting no fewer than three distinctly different versions of what precipitated the shooting, other than what the officer has stated. One that he wouldn't get out of the street and onto the sidewalk; one that he ran and hid behind a car; one that he was put in the police car; one that he was not. What REALLY

If you do everything right - like try to take the officer's gun (allegedly), causing the discharge of at least one round inside the patrol car (allegedly)?

This works way, WAY better than the paper or fiber tape option on holes of larger diameter (say, like a doorknob-hole).

I'm gonna go ahead and disagree with you on this one, Al. I'll be goddamned if I'll listen to some adolescent drop eff-bombs while I'm standing in line, anywhere. That's a parenting shortfall that's only reinforced by caving in and giving the adolescent what is not deserved.

This is what passes for class in the face of a layoff these days: Aw-shucksing your way through one of a thousand half-hearted iterations of an "I like to write and I like to eat, so please hire me" social media post, in 140 characters or less.

Yeah - I'm talking about the original original from when it was still a Heileman Brewing Company brand. Everything since - to my manner of thinking - just isn't the same.

They changed the formula a few years back and completely fucked it up. Half of the North Side of Chicago switched to Blue Ribbon because LBC/City Lager (the original, krausened Heileman recipe that's still fucking delicious) doesn't ship that far from LaCrosse.

Am I the only one with a faint glimmer of hope that this joker banged Elin Woods? Because someone should have been making sweet, sweet love to Tiger's wife.