
From the opposite angle, this would have been about goddamn Under Armour AND those fuckers at New Era.

Main rotor configuration should make it quieter - that's what I thought, but damn, those Yankees seemed loud as Hell. I was wondering if the ute got louder because of the common systems integration with the updated AH-1; I mean, I always thought the two-blade AH-1 seemed quite a bit louder under power than the

Is the UH-1 Yankee noticeably larger than other UH-1 configurations? I was down South earlier this year and a bunch of REALLY loud Bell Utes came over.

If all these religions agree that the one thing above all is to just not be dicks to each other - and in fact to wish at least as good of things for your fellow humans as for yourselves, why are we such murderous dicks to each other?

Oh, GOD yes. I don't know much about classic or contemporary art. This was the best four hours I spent over a week working in the city where I did the fun stuff on my down time.

Okay. I thought maybe I was recalling the wrong backstory for a minute, there. It got real confusing after Healy got Pennsabama's teeth fixed.

It's been my experience that since the age of forty, Mrs. Rubbish and I really started to appreciate the recreational aspects of the sex much more - and the romantic runups are just way better once you realize that you BOTH deserve the romantic runups before you hit the sheets.

Dude, I thought she shot up an abortion/meth-head morning after clinic.

Douchebag Nike and Douchebag The Chosen One were fucking MADE 4 each other.

It's amazing that this snip is so overused in these forums, and yet TODAY is the first time I notice the teeny, tiny shadow rabbit that throws up his hands in, "Hooray!" as Florida drifts away from the continent.

I can't think of a program in the B1G that's got a recruiting chopper. It'll be awesome to get cheap as Hell visiting fan seats at some of the Westernmost conference football games when Rutgers comes to town, though.

You get that on one side, there's the fucking Red Sox, right?

That one Amazon review that begins with, "As a fan of Saved by the Bell AND commas..."

Honestly, how in the everloving Hell does this meeting even happen without Rice's agent present?

So, is it the one international organization that expects there to be more deaths than Americans killed on 09/11/01; or the organization expects 4,000 deaths, and this was the most grabby narrative comparison you could come up with?

Maybe not spectacular, but I started drinking beer in earnest around the time the war for America's 120-calories-per-bottle dollar was in full swing.

Also Heileman's Old Style. I'm not sure what happened, but I was feeling all nostalgic last Spring and ordered up a bottle of The Taste while visiting my parents and taking my Dad out for a few at his favorite country dive.

Think YOUR local brewery's flagship is shit? Leinie's Original was one of the best local beers in the Midwest until Miller got hold of it and fucked it all up, but you can go all over the goddamn country and find pockets of beer lovers who you'd think would know better 'enjoying' the 'original' because it's 'the last

At what point will those idiots in Bristol realize that they needed to stop the bleeding eight hours ago and fire this fucking asshat?

If you think the NFL machine hasn't realized just how fucking short its fans' collective memory - the men AND women alike - is in regard to the bad shit some of these dickheads that don their crest on Sundays (and Mondays, and Thursdays and probably Saturdays before too long, now) do, you're doing it wrong. Olbermann