That's IT!
That's IT!
The only thing that saved a battery charge was that humidifier landing sailing way, way over his wife's head and into the stands behind her.
The idiot brother of the biggest asshole in the NFL, everyone.
I think the phrase you were looking for, there is "...sack of shit."
The Vikings are 29-13 at home all-time versus the Cardinals, Falcons, Ravens, Eagles and Seahawks - they've been killing birds for 47 years.
So, they can get Netflix in jail?
I could never FOR YEARS figure out why a particular friend of mine would have pot roasts, Brunswick-like stews and even braised vegetables that would taste otherworldly - until one time he let it slip. Pickle brine was the secret flavor-bomb in pretty much every one of his delicious recipes which I had wolfed down…
I absolutely infuriates me that this jackass is actually stupid enough to rationalize his Penn State joke like this: 'Well, I was making fun of Penn State; this was an inside joke between myself and a member of the training staff; and anyway, the trainer I was directing the joke at couldn't fire me for that joke.'
At some point, I want this to feel like grandstanding on the four-letter network's part, but damned if it just does not.
The closest we have to an 'all-time value state' is actually North Dakota, since they discovered the gas and oil there, right?
Is Mississippi the Gulf state where the property taxes are low as Hell, too?
This is one way.
Don't "you people" me. This is less about whether this teenager has PTSD (I'm quite certain she's diagnosed and probably well aware of her rights under the ADA as a result) and more about piss-poor handling protocols demonstrated for this service animal by the handler.
Certified service dogs don't pull a leash like he one shown in the news report, and generally don't go out in public without their vests on as shown in the news report, either. Either the dog is out with you and working at all times it's out with you, or it's not a service dog.
This turned my entire week around, Petch. Thanks, man!
I'd give anything to be inside your head right now.
Careful, Ohio - he's saying you're a bunch of simps with short memories.
They could have got him cheaper.
Clearly, they had their priorities a little bit in line. They used all the resources that were available to people in their situation at the time, and ultimately, got the fuck off assistance.
That's the great thing about sports on TV.