
Worn out condom joke is worn out.

I can't help but think this is just offseason shitstirring, regardless of where he ends up - because it's got sports media flapping its gums in the offseason, which keeps the league relevant in a time when fewer people give a damn about what's happening (in free agency). .

So, is it safe to say that in terms of how fucking dirty this sport is, it's NBA dirty? I mean, 'cause of officiating.

Allow me...

Sad Jeter is sad.

'Good Grief'?

What the everlovin' Hell is a 'hord'?

Incredibly insular thinking on the part of Manhattanites? That's nothing new. That they are suddenly so annoyingly self-aware of the perceived risk of 'sameness' that would somehow jeopardize what they think makes their little island so unique to both insiders AND outsiders?

Every day, I look for the one comment that makes me think, "That's the way it should be done."

I agree - although I have lifelong friends (I'm the same age as Cameron Diaz) without plans for children and they're not exactly out there traveling and eating expensive foods. Most of them have comfortable homes and will be through with their mortgages about the time my sons are finished with college - and many own

Don't ruin this perception by watching The Counselor.

There should be at least ONE of these every day.

14 brands of a style of ale that tastes like piss, ranked.

This one is pretty well known on the social media in Minneapolis, I think. She imagines herself to be an empowered noble feminist, but much of her rhetoric is self-cancelling - 'I keep around 60-66% of what I earn dancing' (essentially, the money's not so great) in one blog post; 'strippers take home between

Lindy, I'm pretty sure I love you more than any one of my own sisters - except the one that cooks the really, really good chicken stew.

In hockey money? I got this:

Being the original 'player that the officials let get away with fucking EVERYTHING' certainly didn't detract from Jordan's ability to tear up the other team, either. Any rational person will agree THAT is a mantle James assumed directly from Jordan.

I literally had the thought that maybe if I wave this article in front of Mrs. Rubbish, she'll come to her senses and reconsider that order for $45,000 worth of handmade hickory cabinets and closet organizers those bearded weirdos down in Lanesboro somehow talked her into as part of our upstairs remodel.

Oh, for the love of Pete. Jordan was a great talent, but he played (more or less) his entire meaningful career with one team - and how many of those championship seasons were played with the second-best player in the league also in a Bulls' uniform?

THANK YOU for toting your offspring away upon freakout - even if it's only been once.