
I tell you what - if you're a tin a day dipper like I was six years ago, do the math. I figured out that I could buy some pretty awesome things with that $2,200 a year I spending on snuff. That first year, I took my sons fishing in Colorado and bought some really nice flyrods for the trip.

There's no such word as 'alright'.

Is this a function of the Modern NBA being the league with the fewest cornerstone franchises, relative to the NFL, MLB an even the NHL? Or maybe a function of the NBA's brand having to adapt or die in its pursuit of global recognition?

I love sandwiches - and this metro area is full of really, REALLY good sandwiches at a lot of lousy/passable/decent/good/great/snooty sandwich places.

Fallon had that unnerved look on his face that Leno would sometimes get when on the dais with coked-up fashion models (and Dave Pirner) back in the mid-90s.

Always ALWAYS tip in cash. Laying down a flat 20% because it's convenient isn't so easy when you're actually paying out hard money for services rendered.

Which other countries? Please don't be so centrist as to include any names from the G8; and then let's run the list. There were more than a hundred energy-shortages in fucking GREECE last year - and that country has been around for thousands of years.

Visit Accra. Then visit pretty close to any other major city in Equatorial, sub-Saharan and West Africa, and call Ghana 'underdeveloped'. The very idea that they have the transmission infrastructure - let alone the distribution infrastructure - to buy and distribute 50 MW of power from Ivory Coast to the

I detest the NBA, but since it was the only thing on, I did stop on the channel to watch Booger Wade play NO FUCKING DEFENSE WHATSOEVER. What's wrong with Booger, anyway?

Of course, there's that 62 percent of Floridians who didn't know Miami has a baseball team.

God dammit. Has Duncan ever, EVER not done his career, his awards and his championships in a way that makes me appreciate what a superb player, teammate, and all-around pretty cool guy he seems to be? You sneaky, swell, saccharine sonofabitch, Duncan!

The next time you're at this once-per-month event, ask one of your beloved truckbound robinhoods what their permitting costs are, and respond here. I'd be curious as to the cost and what part of the country you are in; wondered for years why it's no big deal in parts of the West (well, California, anyway), but

Any fucker that wears a tank and flippies to a place where food is served by a staff that doesn't wear paper hats and nametags deserves to have is drink knocked the fuck over WHILE he's holding it to his lips.

Much like every asshole that tuts at me because I can't pick up the 'peppery notes' in a glass of some obscure red wine from Spain.

Ask any established restaurant owner in a downtown area how much he or she likes "Food Truck Fridays on the Mall," when the food trucks pay a nominal/seasonal city permit fee without the hassles of real business costs like rent, waste disposal, water, fire insurance and in many cases are eating the restaurants' lunch.

Listen to the least-modest of these professional chefs in their own environs at just one 'once-in-a-lifetime' restaurant visit - it was a birthday gift! - and it will (potentially) ruin the entire outing.

So, if you're producing what's sure to be a shitshow of GLOBAL proportions, at what point do you ask your new analyst who was suspiciously left off the US roster, "So, Landon - what the fuck happened, anyway?"

Meanwhile, non-pussy athletes who wear shit-tons more gear outdoors (or indoors on an icy surface - have you ever smelled the stank from a pile of game-worn breezers? - fuuuuck) drink Gatordade.

A friend that got his first office job in the MLB with the Rockies invited me out to Spring Training in '94. Besides the unforgettable experience of being down on the field as prospects took grounders and line drives, I don't know that I'll ever see anything in baseball as great as Don Zimmer, leaning on a bat and

Serious questions: