Free Seafood University?
Free Seafood University?
Figuratively lining up, right?
That would be a fuck you to the NBA, to African Americans, and to Jews - of which he is one. I kind of doubt he'd go THAT far.
Quick - does anyone remember what Jimmy Haslem and Jim Irsay did?
Don't take game checks. That would really show Old Man Tokowitz that the players and coaches can do this without him.
Ha. I think I drive by two or maybe three SuperCenters between home and work - all in much bigger suburban areas - but have never been in one. Assuming they're huge compared to the 18,000 square feet where I shop and probably don't have a retired guy named Daryl that holds down both the loss prevention AND guy you…
Never have worked in loss prevention - although I'd imagine my idea of loss prevention at a grocery store in a town of 8,000 people might differ than loss prevention at a WalMart SuperCenter.
All bullshit aside - that was low, going after your avatar. I like the Jalopnik (well, the planelopnik, anyway). Call it a bad morning, and actually blame it on the jalopnik-related event of having a caliper-bracket bolt fall out the truck's front wheel this morning because SOME ASSHAT AT THE DEALERSHIP DOESN'T KNOW…
Whole Foods has a kids' club, apparently, where kids get free produce to enjoy while they shop, silly. I was unaware before this discussion that this was even a thing at Whole Foods; one quick call to the closest - which is 70 miles away - to verify, and it turns out they have a little basket of (washed!) fresh…
Welding mask goes perfectly with her man-hands.
Broke the internet with that one, what?
God dammit. I need to move out of the quiet countryside and closer to a Whole Foods. A Kids' Club program sounds like something I'd be keen to trade for reasonably-priced, locally-sourced fresh foods.
...Says the douche with an avatar that's an Audi logo. That's great! Your reply hints that you have at least some measure of just how fathomable my uptightness is, so thanks for the attempt.
I'll buy this, but I'd also say as a parent that if you can't fucking correct your children's table misbehaviors and have to resort to cutting up even a first-grader's food into bite-sized pieces to enjoy a relaxing meal, you're a failure as a parent, and may God have mercy on your soul.
You gonna pay for that apple?
Great. Now I'll have to find a new insurance carrier.
Hey Clippers players.
Prey on the young and uninformed.
Oh, look - there are STILL people who think Gomez started that shit with the Pirates last weekend!