
The Godfathers of MSHSAA hockey hair are all from the 80s.

So you were catching her throwaways, then?

I am a public servant when I can serve the public.

Point taken - we need to get some kind of poll going on whether 'St. Jewish Park' or 'Brooklyn Dark' is the more racist nickname.

So, you're a Huskies alumna, then?

Pickle Park!


A couple notes, in reply:

As Margary would surely attest, you left out 'Coon Rapids Bro'.

Thanks to the internet radio and a passing interest in sports around our nation's capitol, it's not so hard to know firsthand what a dipshit this guy is. That said, be very careful how you criticize this hack, because he supposedly has a little bit of a tendency to turn criticism back on his critics by making it

Scary on paper - especially with a largely intact 30th-ranked-last season defense.

God help me, I put Tony's on practically everything I eat.

You might have to go a little (to taste) heavier on the sugar side - Mister Tony's has a bit more salt in it than your typical cheap-ass dollar store seasoning blend.

I stumbled across this one by accident - these $1 shakers floor-sweepings from the spice mill are so full of paprika, cumin and pepper that I daresay you can cook 'em slow over indirect fire on a gas or charcoal grill and leave your smoker and wood chips alone. I'm not the king of grilling or anything close to it in

Sarah Spain can eat a dick up, both for her abject dislike of Milwaukee Brewers fans and latent anti-semitism.

Having to risk such ordeals to enter the United States illegaly doesn't make these immigrants' presence here any less illegal.

The Dodgers' fans vacate immediately after the seventh inning stretch to beat traffic, because the traffic in Los Angeles is horrible, compared to the national average of traffic horribleness.

Years ago, a financial advisor recommended - of all minerals - garnet. At the time, I thought she meant the cut gemstone. Of course, she meant the sand-like garnet fragments - I believe it's called Almanadine? - that has ten bajillion industrial applications.

...Or douching.

This sounds like good eatin'.