
Get the absolute cheapest creole or Cajun or Memphis dry rub you can find - the dollar store stuff is pretty wonderful, actually - and go 1:1 with brown sugar. A dozen chicken thighs in a gallon storage bag dry-marinated in two cups of the sugar/seasoning overnight in the fridge CANNOT be fucked up by anyone, whether

You're the best.

Way to Bogart my humor, Fischer. Or Baum. Or whatever.

The Duke hate continues, America!

Okay - I'll bite.

Agreed - although colleagues and I were just having this discussion last evening and one wondered who bears the brunt of responsibility. Where, in the 'order' of fault - do the athletes stand, when they're adults, just like everyone involved?

That's it.

My point is that with few exceptions (including the agency that said, 'Make a poster') agencies generally require little if any hard creative gimmickry in the process of hiring project management and client services interns and ELs.

Well, seeing as the first paragraph of the story describes the inventor of this gimmick as a 'hopeful ad agency intern', I'll just defer to 'advertising'. Copywriting is a job you could get at some agencies, though.

Well, it could be salt of age - and in fairness, I've never actually worked at an agency where a prerequisite for consideration for an internship was, "make us a poster."

We don't value gimmicks at all in the industry. At least, any of us that have sustained a career that started before about 2007 don't.

Oh, Goodness - YES.

Waitaminute - is that the one that's got a little less of that Twinkie-like moistness/oiliness in the cake - not exactly dry, but not overwhelmingly moist - and the frosting is a little butterscotch-y?

Yeah, but unlike the aforementioned Kevin, 90% of the local fan base won't remind him not to let the door hit him in the ass on his way out of Target Center.

Plus One.

It's racist. There's no place for this brand of double-standard in America. Especially from a gibbering idiot and no-talent whitey like Nick Cannon.

She gagged on a few cocks while a camera recorded for money, and received death threats? That seems a little too douchey, even for Duke.

Except she went from being icky, to being old, desperate for attention, and icky. She's got more money (I assume) than she could ever spend - don't you think at some point she'd just kind of go away and just bask in the privacy (non-relevance) that super-wealth could both afford and affect?

We'll never be fully rid of these whores - will we?