
The bigger issue here is that Mark Cuban is a loudmouth jackass who just happens to own a franchise in a league that current television is dying to tell advertisers attracts those affluent, young viewers that will buy their products and services - better than the NFL!

Waitaminute - If I wasn't so lazy, I could look like a bangable Asian woman?

I say this every year, around this time...about 90% of the people that hate Irish stouts and lagers do so because the only time of year they ever drink (too fucking many) of these beers is St. Patrick's Day. I firmly believe it's the same with most Irish whiskeys. This year, for the first time in I don't know how

The professional athlete reputation management side of me wants to say NBA players are the worst for this - there are far fewer players on a roster and as a result, when inside sources reveal that one of the really, really well-known ones has an axe to grind with a coach, it snowballs into an ENORMOUS headache.

Does this woman have a wonky eye? It's like she's lookin' at me with that one eye no matter where I move in relation to my laptop screen. Fuuuuucking creepy.

Well, I'd assume that she didn't get to where she is (although I've never heard of The Muse before reading this) by being an introvert who isn't good at asking for advice, sharing advice, and passing valid ideas along. So, there's that.

Like the telephone game, kind of?

If that's how Biebs takes it to the hole, Selena Gomez is in for a disappointing Spring.

It's appealing to wonder what it must be like to take a Tesla on the fritz to the mall, walk into the space that I assume is a lot like an Apple Store, and be reasonably confident that you're not going to hear, "Nope - that's a manufacturer issue, not a dealer issue."

That hilarious way in which iguanas high-tail it away from danger is pretty much the only reason I ever watch video of otherwise-creepy iguanas.

You can't imagine the stink that these kids (all the kids - even the ones in the stands and wandering around the skyways of St. Paul for four days) put off, if you've never been to this tournament at the X. It's a weekend where it seems like literally every unwashed rink rat between the ages of four and forty descend

I just did a little quick math, and his five-year rookie deal with Pittsburgh earned him more dough by age 25 than I can earn in 37 years, if I could get my best-to-date-income year every year.

It's pretty great for the student-athletes that so far, one of these student-athletes hasn't beaten the everloving fuck out of one of these douchebags.

There's literally NO defense in this league.

"Who cares what they're wearing on Main Street or Seville Row?"

I quote EVERY state police officer I've ever known, as pertains to speeding tickets:

Do you have ANY idea how many delicious Culver's ButterBurgers we, as a state, consume WITHOUT legal marijuana?

No. No. Neither BronJ nor his faceplate belong in a comic book. I have far too many reasons to resent Marvel and DC as it is, without this shit becoming reality.

Big Oven. That's fucking GOLD!

Too goddamn much ink on this one. Honestly, she's fucking ADORABLE in still pics where she's clothed from the wrists to the neck to the waist, and isn't doing the 'devil horns' fingers and sticking her tongue out.