It's insane what they put people through until you have a family member that's a complete asshat that somehow navigates the state vetting process (in Iowa) and literally goes on social media with keen parenting musings like:
It's insane what they put people through until you have a family member that's a complete asshat that somehow navigates the state vetting process (in Iowa) and literally goes on social media with keen parenting musings like:
It's nice to get flowers, but a few years back Mrs. Rubbish put the khybosh on on flowers on any other dates than our sons' birthdays.
"...married to a resident..."
I thought when the interview started, the inference was to the knee injury and recovery - which, at Miller's age, must have been a remarkable struggle. When he brought up his brother, I instantly had a thought like, "Uh-oh...this is gonna go clear off the rails."
I'm like two years older than Jeter and the realization that his current girlfriend was STILL IN DIAPERS the year he was drafted by the Yankees creeps me the everlovin' Hell out.
I was crying from laughter when Park got back up and promptly biffed again. I mean, I hate to make fun - but at some point, the comedy outstrips the agony of defeat.
Heh. That's the thing; Servers that are keen to develop rapport with guests are the ones I tip most generously. In fact, there's a place about 500 feet from my office where I have flat-out asked a couple of the servers when they're typically working the lunch shift, because that 40 minutes for a sandwich served by…
To clarify - something about an item ON the menu for which the restaurant is somewhat renowned, prepared to a certain doneness, but not specifically cited as so on the menu. Coincidentally, I asked to have the protein prepared medium-rare - which is supposedly the only way it is prepared by the chef at the…
Comment of the fucking MILLENIUM.
Does anyone START at zero gratuity, with something like a little checklist of service benchmarks? I'm asking because since I adapted this technique, I'm much more aware of how attentive servers are to my needs, and keenly aware of habits I had that made me (at times) an enormous pain in the ass as a patron.
Actually, if you know Torin's sponsors, he's worth about $2.5 million a year in endorsement money. Funny how his parents were laid off before he ostensibly turned pro, yet still had the money to keep him in the programs around Aspen.
Following a North Stars - Red Wings (?) tilt at the old Met Center in Bloomington, a bunch of us were hanging around the top of the ramp entrance where the players from the opposing team would walk to their bus, which would take them back to the team's hotel. I clearly remember this kid that had been siting right…
Jon Stewart had a sarcastic take on the popular tack of a pop culture nonstory?
That 2010 debacle was really the first (and I guess, only) "Holy SHIT that dickhead from Russia got SCREWED" moment I ever had, Olympics-wise.
What Sams really needs is three high-profile NFL veterans to just say they genuinely do not care about his sexual preference/orientation, and that it doesn't matter in the locker room, since that's where it seems like most of these players have the most concerns about proximity to a gay player.
I can't decide if Coates' missive is an example of a theme based on far too small of a sample of anecdotes and quotes from employees of the NFL - there's a part of me that feels like it's - irresponsible? - to take quotes from a couple franchise employees talking about the locker room and just assume that all…
Two words that confirm Vegas was the beginning of the end:
She is among my favorite skiers, and she largely eschews piles of makeup-unlike a certain muppet-like non-Olympian (Tiger Woods' girlfriend).
White is practically a fossil in snowboarder-years. It's kind of hard to blame an accomplished athlete for putting his safety ahead of participating in this event. He said it himself - he has other goals for Sochi.
I'm okay with this - conspiracy or not - in perpetuity, if it keeps that asshat of a coach they have in San Fran from ever, EVER winning a Super Bowl.