The genius of this nerd's approach to the game is that ultimately, his advantage comes down to him knowing from which category and of what value the next question will be and his opponents not knowing. It's frustrating as fuck to watch.
The genius of this nerd's approach to the game is that ultimately, his advantage comes down to him knowing from which category and of what value the next question will be and his opponents not knowing. It's frustrating as fuck to watch.
I quote Ed McCaffrey, live on KOA 850 AM last night:
The important thing is that Eli remembered his endorsement deal and wore a Citizen watch.
Normally, I'd look at these images and think, "Fucking Hell, Seattle - act like you've been there before."
That is SO CUTE to describe that swill from Boston Brewing Company as a 'regional craft brewery's flagship beer'. You win the internet for the day, Willie!
That's nice for the neighbors, but you'll know the day I invite guests to the house and the thought of "I wonder if their kids will eat asparagus or salmon or gnocchi? Better have some Kraft Mac n' Cheese and a bag of pizza rolls on hand, just in case!" because the media will report that Hell has frozen over.
Ask ANYONE at the 'physicians' medical group' clinic I visit for healthcare how much a simple cholesterol panel (blood draw and ONSITE lab work) would cost if I just paid cash that day instead of copay, plus balance after insurance rebate, pre-deductible, and nobody knows.
I have so many parent-friends that rave on and on about this blogger or this author that's "just a godsend for helping us learn to prepare meals for our picky eaters!"
So, basically, you're saying "What's on Bleacher Report? No One Cares, Anymore."
TOSTITOS SCOOPS. The prosecution rests.
Buffalo Chicken Dip originated with the same brain trust that mixes up prepackaged 'thin-sliced corned beef ' with 'swiss cheese food' and sauerkraut in a goddamned crock pot and calls that shit 'reuben dip'.
Why is this old lesbian asking Wes Welker 90 seconds worth of stupid questions?
Two 'packs' of fatty ground beef. Drew, you really are an asshole.
Most of these nonstick pans are aluminum, right? I have stainless and cast iron, but I recently received a really handy non-stick grill pan that I like a lot - except for that sticky, brown residue that's on the underside of the cooking surface.
Plan ahead. If you're unsure about roadway conditions relative to your skill and/or ability to navigate less-than-pristine roads, please.
That monument is the best - OLE.
1.) You're kidding yourself if you think NBA is #3 behind MLB.
It's nice to see 1,696 of the 1,700 Patriots fans capable of understanding how online voting works are keeping fucking crab dip in this thing.
Christ. Read Steele's blog and note how many times he alludes to the 'moment of triumph' and how observers don't consider the 'hard work' and and 'lifetime of preparation and sacrifice' that even bobsled athletes endure for the one-in-a-million shot at a place in the sled every four years. That the CEO of USA…
Minneapolis, because our home-grown folks look like all those babes you used to see in the IcelandAir advertising, and no shit, we're the fittest city on the continent. If you want to roll with a bunch of tall, blue-eyed, fair-haired folks that look pretty damn good in obnoxious Dale of Norway sweaters, when most of…