Oh, YOU.+1 Laurel, and hardy handshake.
This is turning out to be the most entertaining string of days between the conference title games and the Super Bowl, based on this dude alone.
Screw that.
Yes to this. Paraffin oil will also work if you can find a bottle of it around.
I'm sure Chrishaun feared for Chrishaun's life, and I'm not sure about the nature of the plea agreement, but ultimately, Chrishaun was responsible for the death of the person Chrishaun killed.
Yeah - I have a really close, childhood friend and when she married some guy that was almost 50 when she was 24, I was a little skeeved.
I think this is the third time since the new year one of your replies has caused me to cough out tea.
Wisconsin calls that beer a snit. A chaser is something you drink after the 'main course'. We just don't do that with beer, ever.
Gin? I'll try it, but to say vodka is only for Vodka Sam and the Slavs makes me ask, "Didn't we kick you limey pricks off this continent for good about 240 years ago?"
Duffy's Sauce. Is that a nationwide thing? I can't remember the last time I made a blood mary and didn't use Duffy's...
Costas has long been considered the most Vichy of sports journalists.
Earned voting status. Oh-my-fucking-FUCK-YOU, BBWAA.
Oh, I don't like this. At all.
I think I got 80% of it, which is about 75% more than I can usually get when Shannon Sharpe is in full-on playoff mode.
If anything, this forces NBC's hand in helping a nation admit that we're all really, REALLY sick of Lolo Jones.
There's a whole slew of those aging birds from the great factory careers of the last century down at the lake, now. In fifteen years, I'll be the age my dad was when he retired (56) and I'll have another fifteen years to go. Shit.
Drew, how hard and out loud did you laugh last week when Kluwe told Ben Leber he "wasn't out to get anyone" with a narrative on your very website in which he writes: