
I'll just quote John Green, someone who made the list.

I'm not going to try to convince you that rape culture exists, because you've clearly made up your mind and you refuse to consider the experiences of others as valid. I will explain to you why people are angry at you. It's because rape culture matters so little to you that you can't even be bothered to try to

No. Saying "not all men are like that" is distancing yourself from the behavior, but it is not a condemnation of that behavior. Plenty of other statements — "That's horrifying," "I hope he rots in prison for a lifetime," and "what can we do to prevent similar horrors from happening?" among them — might express

Dude, we get it, you vote for the morally correct things and you don't want to rape women. But maybe you should acquaint yourself with these DOJ statistics:

I'm fairly certain that you don't want to believe that rape culture exists, since you have a perfect opportunity to see that it does, but refuse to.
If you actually care, I recommend putting up a dummy online dating profile as a woman in her 20s and 30s. Add a picture. See what happens. I'd also recommend, if you have

Alright so you also don't see that worldwide anti-semitism exists. But it does. And it did in the 30s and 40s which had a lot to do with why so many Jews perished. I have no doubt people were pretty scared of the Nazis. But they also hated Jews. The fact that you don't know this, or refuse to believe it's true, is

No, you get accused of being a horrible person who willfully ignores evidence by women.

Oh Jesus Christ, where do I begin?

i can conceed that. however, i would say that while it is a valid request to include a qualifier "some," the fact that every discussion is overwhelmed by the "not it" response, is a problem of male (some males's) ego. WHEN someone includes the correct qualifier, male responses are almost entirely absent. the MAJORITY

Making basic statements of fact are not about victimhood, they're about honesty. Trying to shut down the discussion about this by labeling anyone who points it out by making accusations about being a victim won't work here, dear. Argue rationally or be quiet.

that's my point "defend myself" why - it's not about any one individual man, other than this specific stabber. to jump in and say "not it" is to derail the conversation for selfish reasons. until they spoke up, i never thought it applied to them. "men react badly to rejection" "well i don't" ok. conversation over.

Don't respond to that dude. Yesterday he told a rape survivor that because she was emotionally shattered and did not press charges, it's her fault if her rapist rapes anyone else (I believe he compared it to "driving someone to a bank robbery" or "handing someone a knife you know they'll use to stab someone")

Raise your hand if you're a woman who's ever had the thought "man, I hope that dude doesn't kill me." *Raises hand

Hi. Mental illness is neither necessary nor sufficient to cause violent behavior. Most mentally ill people do not display violent behaviors at all. So attributing this kind of appalling behavior to being some sort of "crazy" is a nonsense statement which actually contributes to biases and prejudices toward actual

I don't purport to speak for all women, just myself, but I think that when women use the blanket statement about being scared of "all men," they usually mean "all men who are strangers to me." I like meeting new people and am, I think, an overall trusting person. However, there's always that tiny voice in the back

Are you fucking kidding me with this shit right now?

shouldn't the non-stabby, non-hitty, non-attacky men in the world read this kind of thing and think, "well *I* look great now." instead, they seem intent on shouting about the fact that "not all men" are like this. or not most. yes, not most! so good for you, if you are not one of these ones, why are you lumping

It's not isolated. Violence against women is major and everywhere, which is why you feel so comfortable dismissing it. And if you think dismissing a fatal stabbing of a girl by saying "But not all boys do it!" is a good way to argue, then I'm sad for you.

I just dismissed like four people all at once. I can't always tell trolls from non-trolls, but I don't want to engage with people who honestly can't see the connection between this story and male entitlement.

hey everyone please don't forget not to feed the trolls, LOVE YA, BYE