rubber cat

I’m not really sure this is “beating a dead horse” considering it’s the Academy president talking at an Oscars luncheon about the organization’s response, and how this impacts the Oscars going forward. Seems like that’s exactly where it would be still relevant to bring up. Beyond that, I’m sure Will Smith would like

They’re gonna trot out Kel the SECOND ratings start to dip. I predict the Kel stunt-cast happens in the back nine. Please bookmark this comment. 

don’t sign your posts

Yeah I don’t think that last line is enough. The headline – and essentially the whole post – is pretty much stirring shit like, “smile pretty, honey.”

Has anyone from the privileged class established what form of protest against systemic racism they are totally chill with witnessing?

2015 Gawker: ISIS skit on SNL tries to be a "funny" "death to America" parody, gets criticized on Twitter... "LOOK AT ALL THOSE DUMB PEOPLE NOT GETTING HUMOR!" Dustin Penner makes an ill advised rape joke... "He's a monster and rape is never funny, and I hope he gets fired from his job!" Oh, Gawker Echo Chamber,

"We exemplify multi-generational co-viewing."

Isn't that something he gets to decide? violated someone's space, he muttered something sotto voce, then you went and wrote an angry screed about it?