
The nomadic POC have been pre-programmed through centuries of the cynical manipulation of their religion to await the coming of a “chosen one” who will rise to lead them, a plan which initially seems to be going well but then backfires. Rather badly.

That seems a bit excessive. Dune Messiah is basically a novella and Children of Dune is shorter than Dune and has a way less dynamic plot that you could compress relatively easily (as the SyFy mini-series did, combining both books into just a few hours).

Just finished the book last night. Duncan dies after Leto is killed in the Harkonnen invasion. He escapes and meets up with them at Liet Kynes Botanical testing station (and hidden base). There he stays behind and basically sacrifices himself so Paul and Jessica can escape.  So Paul is TECHNICALLY already Duke because

I’d argue that Dune examines that trope more critically than lesser fare often does.

Gimme my damned FISH SPEAKERS, Villeneuve!!!

I used to love this show, but the lengthy breaks made it much harder to stay invested in the show. I don’t know that 7 seasons in 16 years was the best formula.

Joan’s bedside manner results in quoteless article, news at 11.

Guess I didn’t have to go to reddit, the scumbags came to me on their own!

All of these dudes are doing a lot to say “I don’t please my wife and make sex all about me.”

Except this is about a dude that's cool with people rapping about fucking as long as those people aren't women 

This song is really getting the Streisand effect working for it. It’s not particularly good or clever, but there’s some bizarre 90's puritan outrage promising to make it one of the most notable songs of the year.

Here you can have all this credit but don’t you dare go use it!

This looks great but where the fuck is Station!?

*Charges to bookstore website*

My desire to sink too much time in New Horizons will be the end of me.

“Weed Edibles Aren’t as Safe as we think”

Article: People eat too many, it’s not actually harmful to your health but you can freak out.

So..... they are exactly as safe as we think. They don’t cause lung cancer. And if you take too many (accidentally) you have a bad high and then are fine. 

Seconded. I’d like to think that I’m as progressive as cishet white males go and that I’d spot any misogyny in this, but cannot. Has the article been retroactively edited? Or am I a stupid man (probably, yes) who’s blind to something here due to a lifetime of unearned privilege?

so....Stranger Things

I got goosebumps.

Yes, some things done by a white person are racist when they would not be racist if done by a non-white person, because racism is about systemic power.