It’s free with ads on Amazon prime channel Freevee. I watched all 197 episodes over the holidays and then during a surgery recovery. It's still pretty funny, and you can eventually learn to ignore the laugh track
It’s free with ads on Amazon prime channel Freevee. I watched all 197 episodes over the holidays and then during a surgery recovery. It's still pretty funny, and you can eventually learn to ignore the laugh track
Wasn’t she writing for MST at that point?
I thought the same and I assume (not having seen Joker) that this is intentional, based on DeNiro’s presence.
It also sounds a lot like Maniac: severely mentally ill human tries for a minute to live a normal life and fails, starts murdering.
Exactly correct;mine too. He had George Clooney holding him up in that one and QT was pitch perfect as a gross creep.
I am thinking this is a documentary in the same way that This is Spinal Tap is a documentary. It sounds entirely fictional.
It reminds me a lot of a fact I learned about during Ken Burn’s The Civil War doc, where the technology to murder other humans had advanced considerably faster than the technology to heal other humans, which is part of why the death toll was so high. They best they could really do was hack off limbs. Now, medicine…
Gremlins, when Stripe comes back. 8 year old me though I was gonna die from fear. I couldn’t watch that scene for years, even though I knew it was coming.
Agnes it’s me Billy
Yes! One of my favorite things is researching unusual condiments and buying them on Amazon. I was getting Maggi sauce recently and ran across the Aardvark Habanero completely by accident and it’s excellent. Quite hot but not at all unbearable, and it just has so much depth of pepper flavor. I love it! I douse my…
You do realize Screamapillar’s reply was also a joke right?
I have a similar story, in that my great-grandmother was apparently a low-key prostitute and had like, 7 of her 10 children after her husband died. We have no idea who my grandmother’s father was, so my genealogy search on that side is a dead stop right there.
I enjoy how you came to the right conclusion in the span of your comment.
oh exactly. Roommate threatened to do the same thing. I can usually see a jump scare coming a mile away but they got me with the click one good time and I levitated out of my seat.
I also have been thinking of the movie since I saw it, and have considered a second viewing for the same reasons, but I honestly don’t know if I am ready. My stomach hurt afterwards from the tension, and I turned all the lights on at 4am the night of just so I could see in all the corners...
well yeah, I mean, look at whose contracts are up and who definitely has sequels coming out...
had the same problem. Really enjoyed the aesthetic and the first two thirds, last act did not deliver.
flip it over and get rid of the bottom bun, which has no/less toppings. Sometimes there will be cheese on the bottom bun.
oh god, exactly. sheets are the underwear of the bed