To put it more compactly: if you change Obamacare’s name to Trumpcare but leave the rest of the program exactly the same, Trump’s poorly informed, cult of personality supporters will immediately reverse course and declare it the best thing ever.
To put it more compactly: if you change Obamacare’s name to Trumpcare but leave the rest of the program exactly the same, Trump’s poorly informed, cult of personality supporters will immediately reverse course and declare it the best thing ever.
What the fuck? What an odd defense of him, you did miss something in the article, but also affairs with teenage girls are also nothing at all like bestiality or necrophilia.
Yeah, you are. I really don’t understand why these are the types of people some of you will continue to rush to defend.
its kind of relevant if you make a video or assessment of yourself about how great and humble you are compared to the trash in the internet sea, to be revealed you are just the same as anyone else and nothing really special.
You know what every state has in common? Possession of child porn is a federal offense and that would be anyone under the age of 18.
Yes, the article specifically mentions that some of them were teenagers, which could refer to someone either above or below the age of consent.
I mean, the first sentence is:
Depends on their age. If they weren’t at least 18, nothing consensual about it.
But it makes him a hypocrite. That’s pretty much when most folks will show you the door... regardless of any previous truth you may have shared.
It’s almost like video games and movies are two completely different industries or something.
Don’t, though.
I hate when complainers complain that the protestor is not protesting well enough. Then they complain the protestor is not protesting at the correct time and place or the protest is interfering in the complainers’ enjoyment of something.
You’re admonishing them for doing exactly what the publication that was banned from advance screenings has chosen to do in the wake of their ban. That seems ... misguided.
Have you ever seen/heard about movies that aren’t reviewed prior to release? That is usually a big, giant red flag that the movie is total dogshit. If you’re thinking of seeing a movie opening weekend but for some reason can’t find any reviews for it, that tells audiences something. Adding every Disney release to that…
About the only thing anyone can do to Disney is symbolic—this is one case where “raising awareness” is actually probably the best weapon in the arsenal.
Why is everyone roasting the AV Club for this? It is the right thing to do and even if they are not the Times or The Post, it still matters.
If you fail to understand the whole issue with banning the LA Times from advance screenings, then yes, you are right.
Don’t eat Papa John’s. He’s still a racist, but he just wants to be less overt about it. It’s not for nothing that Nazi numbnuts chose his pizza
Seconding this. I need an itemized list so I can go watch all of these.
Or maybe if, in the year of whatever lord 2017, you haven’t already realized that EVERY FUCKING PLACE is full of racists, then your personal story of what it took for you to actually take a second to SEE around you no longer matters. How far back do you really want to go with this? Which police killing do you think…