You missed the point of the novel entirely then.
You missed the point of the novel entirely then.
I’m not certain this was about sexism. She did share a script direction that was supposed to remain in house. If I took something confidential from my job and posted it on the internet I would get fired too.
That is three more then she has has won. Four more grammy’s as well.
Come on, who doesn’t love Viva la Vida. That whole album is actually pretty solid.
I agree with about half of these actually. The other half are stupid sexist nonsense though.
Some of the misdeeds that Ronson mentioned in his book were taking an unfunny photo in a cemetery and making an unfunny joke on Twittter. They did nothing that warranted their lives being destroyed. He does delve into judgement when it comes to cases of plagiarism, however.
Do we really need five articles about this women in one day? I’m pretty sure she is an attention seeker, maybe we should not keep feeding her.
Something about Catlyn Jenner. There, I said it, now no one else has to.
She should be charged for how much time, money, and effort that was expended to rescue her. Seriously, the coast guard should be dealing with pirates, and smugglers, not idiots
One personal story means nothing. I wish there was some sort of study that compared the death rate for people who went immediately versus those who waited a while, but I can’t find one.
Is Hilson wrong? Does being a lying emotionally screwed up nutjob mean that your body of work is invalid?
Is pretending to fall funny? If so, modern comedy eludes me.
What are they doing with the locks? Recycling? Reusing?
Makes me think of one of my favorite murder ballads
You have a higher expectation of privacy in a bathroom then you do in public.
I’m trying a theory. This comment has literally nothing bad in it, but I’m wiling to be I’ll still be in the greys. This is my last comment, enjoy living in a feedback loop immune from any sort of discussion or constructive criticism
Listen, I hate to bring up MRA points, but women can abuse men too. I personally think that Loeb is a lying control freak, but the mocking tone of this piece is pretty offensive.