
I don't dismiss her books as airport fiction or chick lit, I dismiss them as badly written dreck. Seriously, I have more respect for Stephanie Meyer because at least her books are entertaining. My Sister's Keeper is one of the most offfensive things I have ever touched.


The problem with feminists are the same as the problem with atheists. There is nothing wrong with either group, but the people you elect as spokespersons are terrible. Also, for one culture the hates mansplaining and another that is hugely about reasoned debate, I have never been condescended to more then by both of

Fuck it. Said something kinda of stupid. Ignore me.

I read the book and, holy shit, it is fucking disturbing. Seriously, you think Scientology is just these bunch of rich kooks, but it is not like that at all. Brainwashing, physical and emotional abuse, personality cults, using children as bargaining chips, infiltration of government. I could go on, but I don't feel

"so fingers crossed for more than shrill shrews and scheming sexpots." I thought Maggie Hart was a pretty good female character. Yeah, she used sex as a weapon, but you understood her motivations, and I rooted for her pretty hard. I'm psyched for female protagonists though, hopefully they won't fuck it up too much.

"And it means that she won't go back to trial in December, when her defense attorneys had said they planned to call three other women would would testify that Gray also abused them."

Nope. There is no point in debating with you on this because it is clear you already have your mind made up. To THE FACT GENERATOR!!!!

I agree with all of this, but I would still have just said nothing and gone home. Then again, I have had a bad experience calling out someone in public. When I was on my bike some teenagers called me names from their car, so I flipped them off. They proceeded to make a U turn and come after me. I hid in a construction

I had some things to say, but the last time I said something similar I got slammed for it. Instead, here is a useful fact. Both the flesh and the pit of avocados are toxic to most species of birds. The more you know.

Transformers and Twilight have a fan base. That does not make them good movies.

More Will i am music?? YES. I will hate listen to every single song.

I get that, but on the other hand who would you have voice her. I mean, I can't think of many female comedians who made anger their calling card so to speak.

Compared to the other Pixar movies it did. Up got an 88 on Metacritic. Toy Story 3 got a 92. Brave? 69. I guess hate is too strong a word, but it was considered a sub-par outing.

Fuck yeah, this movie look awesome, and it has a ton of female characters to boot. The last two Pixars got a lot of hate, but I personally loved both Monster's University and Brave.

""Scripture tells us that we shall not oppress a stranger, for we know the heart of a stranger — we were strangers once, too."

"And Mara Brock Akil, pioneer of this current era of women in television with Girlfriends and The Game, had some of the best statements." I have literally never heard of either of those two shows. Have I been living under a rock?? Are they any good??

Like Iggy Azalea, One Writer Is Bored of Eminem's Thirsty Shock Antics.

"Did she provoke him? Was he was protecting himself? The usual victim-blaming stuff."

Thank you very much.