I feel like this guy a lot.
I feel like this guy a lot.
I would actually vote for him if he was running in my state. If you are over the age of 18 and want to get shot out of a cannon for money then you can do it. But if you are smaller and people throw you by hand then it is illegal. That doesn't make very much sense to me.
Shit. My bad. I think I'll leave the comment up in case some people only visit this site.
Given that I can't find a article about this on any of the gawker affiliates.
I don't know. If I could add five more female producers or just one female rapper that doesn't rely on male gazing music videos and dumb airhead stick, I'd add the rapper because having more visible female role models is a bit more important. That said, Missy Elliot is awesome, and Work It is a stone cold classic.
Yeah, you don't get to make fun of someone's grammar. I have seen better grammar on racist YouTube comments then on this site. Actually, I'm fairly certain that the intro to this piece needs a semicolon. You people really suck.
Since I am in this kind of mood today.
Yes, I do now. The difference is that I am a home-schooled teenager who wrote that comment in about 30 seconds. You actually get paid to compose words for a living and should be held to a higher standard.
This is going to be my last comment on the subject, but I have a serious question. Does this site have proofreaders? This article has several errors. Do you people not care about grammar at all.?
It is the next day, and there is still a grammar error in paragraph 4. Come on! This is supposed to be a professional site.
I have mixed feeling about this and don't want to get into an argument. So let's just talk about grammar.
The question is is this going to be based on the book or the movie? The book is a really sweet and well written young adult novel. The movie is absolutely terrible, mainly because they completely removed the lesbian relationship and shoehorned in a male love interest.
My feelings about this can be summed up in a quote from arguably the greatest television show of all time. "Either do it or don't, but I've got someplace to be."
..............No comment.
People are jerks on YouTube?. In other shocking news, if you jump into a lake, you will get wet. Now to our man on the street with the devastating evidence that gravity exists.
Eh. I could probably fit everything I care about in two suitcases, maybe one if I wear the same clothes over and over again (I do this anyway). I don't know what that say about my life though.
Who moves to be in a romantic relationship with someone and uproots their entire life without meeting that person in the flesh first. Seriously. I think this guy has some major issues.
So, he is saying that women should make money, be strong, and strive for independence. That is a bad thing? I really don't understand this article at all. Am I missing something? He is a bit of a jerk, but that doesn't mean he is in the wrong here.
That makes two of us. Seriously, I hate that show, just because something has a lot of black, female, and transgender characters doesn't make it good.
Is it wrong that my first thought was how weird the method she chose was? I mean, this is America. We have a large selection of guns, drugs, and bridges.