Riley Schultz

Good. At least it’s beyond the environment, it isn’t in the environment. There’s nothing out there but sea and birds and fish. And the Azores. And 4000 burned out cars. But there’s nothing else out there.

Towed? Where to? Beyond the environment, I hope.

It boggles my mind that these fuckers have their heads so far up their asses that they can’t see that they’re playing politics with the collapse of the country. It’s there in plain sight, every day. There’s nothing left to debate. Put money in infrastructure *now*, no matter what it takes, because that bill is only

Good A/T tires with the mountain/snowflake symbol are acceptable in snow. I’ve done multiple winter rallies up here in Canada on them and never been stuck. They aren’t as good as dedicated winters, especially on ice, but they are far, far better than all seasons and about on par with ‘all weather’ tires.

Hopefully the DriveTribe and FoodTribe YouTube channels stick around, they’re pretty entertaining.

Bingo!  This, 100%

THIS THIS THIS... Its time to move on with our lives.

I have been vaccinated. Covid isn’t going anywhere. It is endemic. I will not wear a mask forever for a disease that will be little more than an annoyance to how I feel every year. Vaccinated people will most likely get Covid every year going forward, masked or not, and will feel just like they do with the yearly

Honestly... with vaccines... boosters, and some damn good policies for treating COVID.... Can we just please be done with mask mandates?

What sucks is that so many formerly wonderful buildings like these meet their demise because people decide to go in and vandalize the shit out of them. I’ve watched so many urban exploration videos where some building has been abandoned for maybe only a year or so and is already utterly trashed.

 Its a real shame.

...and yet that same video shows him leaving said station and then “driving recklessly” on Boynton Beach Boulevard. At 0:11 he takes off from the pump and police give chase, the kid didn’t even stop to check traffic he just pulled right out, but hey blame the cops for something that kid isn’t even LEGALLY allowed to

I read 2 separate articles on this morning. It sounds like the cop went to give chase (whether he should or shouldn’t have is a separate convo) and the kid lost it after hitting a curb and probably still would have survived except when he fell off he slammed into a street sign and that’s what killed him.  The cops

You’re right, he didn’t deserve to die for this. A slap on the wrist at most.

How do you think kid got to gas station? Magically just appeared out of thin air?

seriously, it’s a big fucking problem around here, kids just terrorizing neighborhoods. fuck these parents that talk about how bright the kids future was instead of taking responsibility. it’s tragic but they should’ve never let a 13-year old take a dirt bike out on public streets, like what the fuck.

had the kid not ran, it probably would’ve been a slap on the wrist. kids on dirtbikes and four wheelers terrorize traffic and pedestrians around me, and they can get fucked. I’ll wait until I see a video because I don’t trust the police’s word, but if the kid took off speeding down the road, it’s on him.

I wonder how many of the people disagreeing with you have gangs of “12 O Clock Boyz” wannabe’s riding around through stopped traffic in their area every day. I see kids daily on dirtbikes, quads, and whatever they can get their hands on.

Is there any dashcam footage of this chase? I used to ride dirtbikes all over the small town i lived in, but I stuck to dirt roads, i did not ride on public streets with cars. Running from the Cops on an illegal dirt bike while not licensed is 100% the fault of the kid and his idiot parents for letting him do that.

I have a theory on how the logo got so crooked. My guess is that it was similar to the method that this guy used to get so muscular.

Am I alone in thinking they need to make this whole electric crate motor thing easier for the average enthusiast? I’m thinking a direct swap for the original engine, using the same engine mounts and rough dimensions. Maybe replace the fuel tank for a battery pack. Is this not feasible for some reason?