Riley Schultz

Don’t be an asshole, shit-for-brains.

I dunno...those bumpers just add to the pure 80s vibe. It’s like the ultimate Countach is a coke-white one with the bumpers.

Look at the size of that kid’s feet!

I guess people think it looks good ... IMO it just screams I am a moron.

Why? What is awesome about a car with a suspension angle so screwed up that you can’t even drive the damn thing?

I never will understand the stance morons. Lowering a car to the pint where you can’t drive it and the suspension is at a ridiculous angle is cool because....why?

Agreed, overall, I like this. Even the wheel/tire combo, but I just can’t get over the stance. Still, if they want to give it to me, I wouldn’t kick it out of the garage.

If they would mount the wheels and tires properly on the car, they could have something. Instead they ruin it.

The stance look goes well with the wacky styling of the current-gen Prius, to be honest.

This was the moment I was dreading, this was the moment I became an old fart, horrified by the indulgences and carefree attitudes of today’s car society.

They also have a kit for a Pruis too.

Fitting as I’m nearly old enough to join AARP.

2008 may look better, but when you get into an unsettled corner, you’ll want the 2019. Yet 2008 model will decimate femurs at a far better rate. So, too close to call.

I’d say the 2008, then the 2019, and the 2001. In that order.

You can make cars have more power than stock? I dunno man

It needs more power because Chevy and Dodge have more and thats the only reason anyone cares how much more power its getting.

While I’m glad the 2nd gen Charger was not styled as a fastback like the 1st gen, on the 2nd gen Mustang it just totally works. Especially how the fastback profile extends to the very back edge of the trunk lid—I love that look.

I sure hope you get it, because I clearly stated it in the first sentence of my post.

An RX with the wankel gutted out? Automatic NP, regardless of the “pile of rusty dogshit” appearance of this example.