Riley Schultz

Damn... Everybody can go home now. Even John Voight’s LeBaron convertible can’t beat that.


....please explain how it’s not aging well...

At some point in a gearhead’s life, we mature beyond the posters of supercars and top trumps specs, and realize that there will always be something faster, something more expensive, something sleeker. That’s when we turn into Torchinsky and start looking for weird instead of exotic.

I’ll repeat what I say every morning during my commute on the wunderful 405 in SoCal: Always a fucking Toyota!

Yeah, but if you ever go and talk to them, they’re pretty nice. They aren’t hoity toity at all. Many of them are regular folks who saved a long time to get their dream car.

I swear I’ve never seen any of the other badged ones. I’d love to know what is the most rare badge engineered gm model.

Actually I didn’t. lol

“These violent delights have violent ends
And in their triump die, like fire and powder
Which, as they kiss, consume”

The C4 is the worst, but the C5 is worster. And even uglier. It’s everything bad about the ‘90s melted together into one big blob of Nickelodeon goo.

Your well reasoned adult viewpoint has no place here.

This is America now. People are looking for every single possible way to be something can be offensive. It is really exhausting.

This is literally the only Gawker, er, Gizmodo Inc. site where this type of common-sense comment is tolerated.

Where is the uproar about the Beetle? I mean it was literally Hitler’s car. I don’t see the anger about that car still being made. People called out Macklemore for his haircut. Now get mad about an event name that was chosen YEARS before the events of Saturday? How about we focus our efforts on the enemy and not

This is unbelievably dumb, this is an event that has gone on for multiple years and is well known. You can’t plan for neo nazis plowing a crowd with your vehicle a year+ in advance.

How is this car even remotely “riced-out”?

The 4th gen handily beat the Mustangs throughout its entire lifecycle. The Camaro was also the better handling car.

The Pontiac didn’t have the ugly ass fender/mirror thing going on either. Best reason to choose the Pontiac over the Chevy.

Now playing

Pre-war Bugattis were more ‘groaners’ than ‘screamers’ as well, so it’s actually true to form.