I think you might need to re-read the article to gather the context of it...
I think you might need to re-read the article to gather the context of it...
Yeah, but nobody who’s actually poor is trying to buy one unless they figure dock fees and a boat that actually floats are at least a roof and a better option than a shelter or a sleeping bag on a sidewalk.
Fair enough. I will say, and this is a good example of it, that we all sometimes judge people who make what we consider extraneous purchases when they are “poor.” Either we deem them not actually poor (this case) or stupid/taking advantage of the system. In reality, everyone makes bad financial decisions sometimes,…
What kills me is how the State will actively go out of its way to make life harder for you. I got a dumb speeding ticket for $400 so i show up court to see if there something I can do to have it reduced. First off the only people who show up to traffic court are the niave who think they’ll argue their way out of it…
I used to work for a Women’s Agency in Chicago. Our board was all women. And the women we served? 97% lived below the poverty level. We provided different services (including psychological counseling, housing, employment assistance, and emergency assistance). Anyway, one day we’re talking about the need for our board…
There’s plenty of bad debt out there, but I think you’re way overselling the “bad” part of your car ownership experience.
Car loans provide an advantage over paying outright as long as the interest rate is below the rate of inflation and rate of return in the market.
The timing of this article is magnificent. Trump announces he’s abandoning the separation of the DoJ from political pressure to go after a phantom FBI infiltration by Obama’s administration. The absolute best thing Obama can do in this situation is to be *disconnected* from his political fights as President. If he…
Exactly. FWIW I think this is a troll article, but Obama should not be front and center for the reason you state. AND because the Dems need to stop being lazy and find/create new exciting leadership. They can’t use Obama as a crutch forever.
Leading the opposition to Trump and his policies is the last thing Obama should be doing.
Working on getting the Obama Foundation and presidential library seems like a good use of his time to me. Also that time off? Well earned. I hope he and his family enjoyed every second of it.
We didn’t deserve him the first time, Hamilton. We don’t deserve him now. Clearly Trump, and the trump voters have showed us this.
It would appear that Obama must continue to play the “Magical Negro” role until white liberals are satisfied with his overall performance.