Ryan McCluskey

that was not the voice i was expecting to come out of pikachu

WoW sucks.

This is why I chose it. :)

Yannick, the War3 abomination (which Stitches is a named instance of) was the original inspiration for Pudge, not the D3 Butcher.

They’re aaaalmost uncanny valley for me. I can’t decide.

Is grandpa yelling at clouds again?

I wish these were higher resolution, but they scale quite well actually.

Clearly you need to change the title to read:

I remember studying Russian in the Soviet Union in the late 1980s- the glaring lack of old men was stunning. There were plenty of old women, who swept streets, sold the ubiquitous tickets needed for museum entry, told complete strangers to wipe their feet before entering, to stay off the grass, to button up a coat

Yeah, because that’s how the world works. Give me a slice of pizza, and I’ll pay you for it if I feel like it was delicious enough for my standards.

Three million copies of Titanfall have sold since it’s release a little more than a year ago. Not too bad for “half of a game.” Or I guess you’d say 1.5 million. People who feel burned have only themselves to blame. The lack of a campaign was a known factor. And how do you define “half of a game,” anyway? What the

Somewhere between 10 and 15 seconds is negligible for me as I won’t be doing it while flying a fighter plane or driving a formula one car.

I'm not going to lie here, if this character, or any other character, makes even as small as a one line sentence referencing Revan and the Old Republic (the Old Republic WAS mentioned in previous movies after all - see edit below for here*), I will forever and ever and EVER love the person who wrote that line into the

Only if you’re working in a monastery.

Oh look, a video that runs five minutes, at the end of which I am still alive. Looks like a question answered to me.

Nothing on there is just "upscaled" and nothing on there is "untextured".

Hell yeah!

Nvidia reserved pricing information to the last minute as they delivered the opening keynote at their GPU Technology Conference — unsurprisingly the Titan X will be $999.

You're just contrarian by nature. If I said I hated smallpox, you'd be right there with a artsy image of the disease cavorting with unicorns.