
The response to that sex interview is insane. People fucking DESPISE me it’s incredible.

Yes, this was terrible. But how can you look at their history and think Ayer is the only one at fault here and Landis bears no blame? Landis is an atrocious writer and filmmaker and Ayer up and (way) down. At least Ayer has End of Watch (really good) and Fury (pretty good) to his name. Landis has uh, an okay script

Landis disowns anything that doesn’t explicitly do well, which is funny because his singular success, Chronicle, was rewritten by Josh Trank and a friend for the final filming script. And Dirk Gently was good because he had a writing team, so they were able to restrain him from his shittier writing instincts. And it

> Rusev

Those cheeks! They both look like they attended finishing school at Benedict Cumberbatch’s Home for Sharp-Faced Boys.

MBMBaM references aside, I do love them so much.

Justin dying and then just busting out his guitar’s always is a good time.

THE MCELROY BROTHERS WILL BE IN TROLLS 2 is easily podcast of the year.

I saw a clip of the video on the news this afternoon and all could think is ‘get the fuck off the internet with this.’ Not because bullying isn’t an issue but because I hate parents parading their kids’ pain on social media. I hate it with this, I hate it when parents film ‘punishment videos’, and I hate it when

Another case of the milkshake duck?

Well, we know he was definitely in jail All Night Long.

Now Mike Love can take back his rightful place as the worst person to be associated with the Beach Boys.

Now playing

Springsteen on Conan with the Seeger Sessions Band, Max Weinberg 7, Conan, Jimmy Fallon, and Thomas Haden Church.


This episode provided us the only authentically adolescent moment in the show’s run, where the big brother whose name I forget, after extolling the virtues of freaks to his brother, completely ignores a cute Souxsie at the party in favor of playing Duckie (see, I do references too!) to a spoken-for Nancy. Freaks don’t

Surprise, surprise, surprise!

The AV Club

I love how everybody’s pissed because their plans for eating at McDonalds turned out disappointing. All for an Instagram-able moment of saying you got a packet of crappy sauce.

Yes, people can’t do anything that makes them happy, because a nut job did something awful! Forced patriotic mourning!

“Hey! Why don’t we, a notoriously unimaginative and penny-pinching corporation, try a fun and whimsical promotional giveaway which will appeal primarily to a notorious group of entitled assholes? What could possibly go wrong!?”

These stories vindicate the course I took of bottling up my feelings, not discussing them with anyone, and not trying to pull off stuff like this.