
Once I passed my sixth stone I began to greet that pain as a friend which is probably the wrong reaction.

The first ones gonna hurt the most but after it passes into the bladder things get a lot easier. I have a 20-year history with stones and wouldn’t wish them on anyone but my enemies. Also, I’ve had so many of them my gut response to the headline was “So?”

Is this where we can talk about Bo Burnham’s Eighth Grade then? Cause that a harrowing ass Teen Movie not sure about this one, but I almost threw up twice during Eighth Grade.

Kenny Omega he’s the top star in the 2nd biggest promotion in the world. He is treated by many as the greatest wrestler going today. If you wanna know about his tag team look up The Golden Lovers

l like ScarJo and the story might be great, but on a metatextual level, this movie is going to fail. Let me explain if they had just cast a trans, or hell, even an unknown cis or queer actor I’d be more likely to see this movie because then at least it’s interesting. However, with her attached to the film, it’s

l like ScarJo and the story might be great, but on a metatextual level, this movie is going to fail. Let me explain if they had just cast a trans, or hell, even an unknown cis or queer actor I’d be more likely to see this movie because then at least it’s interesting. However, with her attached to the film, it’s

*his tag partner

SquaredCircle’s most stanned wrestler is likely in a romantic relationship with tag partner and TheRedPill is mostly misogynist losers. So, please take your shite stereotype elsewhere

I honestly don’t think this movie going to get made, but if they do it should be her. She’s great at making me care about the most horrible and selfish and dumb character on a show full of horrible selfish and dumb characters. 

I love this show. All the acting is absolutely killer but as a wrestling fan the overall breaking of kayfabe in the show doesn’t make sense it’s a nitpick like you said but I’d like some pre-Curtain Call verisimilitude. I have problems with some of the events later in the season because of this as well. Also, Lacey

He would often give Chris shit for buying expensive stuff and still trying to appear like just a dude. Granted, Matt’s not great with money either with a fascination for Red Sox memorabilia, left-handed guitars and Frasier stuff. I don’t think Hardwick wanted to outwardly present himself as rich because that

The following in entire conjecture: He breaks up with Varney right as the podcast is skyrocketing in popularity because he can use that cache to get the type of girls he always wanted, the younger kind, and then because he can, he starts to exert a certain level of abusive control. He is a pretty big deal in his scene

I don’t think Matt cares as much about celebrity as much as Hardwick does/did. He also reminds me of a lot of the things I don’t like in myself but to watch him actively work to better himself makes me think I can maybe do it too. Also, looking back at it I think some of the jokes Matt made once Hardwick had a ton of

Matt’s bitter as hell. I think that’s just who he is. He struggles with food addiction and covers up a lot of his feelings with a thin layer self-deprecation. My guess is there’s a lot of imposter syndrome in there remember he was just supposed to be the tech guy for the podcast and largely because of the podcast he

That hostful was when I knew Matt was my favorite because it was obvious from Hardwick’s cloying serious tone and Chloe’s age where that was going before they even said anything. So, I think in a way Matt making the “so what were you gonna name it.” denied Chris the ability to gain the sympathy he was most likely

Mira and Ray seem to be generally good people and they were really the funny ones. Matt is someone pretty openly struggling with addiction and Jonah seems to have been dealing with some weird stuff having gotten his dream job

Matt and Jonah you’re good dudes please leave id10t and Harkwick once and for all

Wait, so does this mean James Franco was method acting all his sexual assaults like retroactively? He did play an ersatz Riff Raff in Spring Breakers after all.

As a disabled person, I hope your trollish ass has something truly terrible befall it

I will cry anytime male wrestler friends hug after a match thanks to WM 20