
Forester XT, 2018 was the last year. Same essential engine as your previous car. Slightly larger, and good gas mileage. Also they’re really capable for your future adventuring needs in retirement.

This guy needs a van. Pacifica is a pretty cool option you could get a hybrid but its probably not worth it. Plus they’re more affordable than Sienna / Odyssey

My sister-in-law had her converter stolen.

I stick shift ecoboost mustang would be fun. Good mpg, cheap entry, warranty. Plus you could tune it if you want more HP

It needs to not have low profile tires and to be 4wd

Hyundai Santa Cruz!

Great car for a Cannonball

I am very disappointed in you all...

Good financial reminder to not value another species life over that of your own species

Yeah if you identify them, will you send them my address before you turn them in?

Does it have to fit in a standard garage?


These fixes are the best, and make you feel like a true wrencher.

This but put a supercharger on it. You’ll feel the power, definitely reliable and under the radar.

He needs to get an old Hearse. Start a new side business, start doing funerals, he can transport the body and then pray for them. 

Can I supercharge my car with a leaf blower?


Nice price, if you are willing and able to make very likely future repairs...


Anyone know which brands / models are actually good?