This is becoming a thing.
This is becoming a thing.
Oh, yeah, shame on Sacramento for not being as good as San Francisco...
Jack Del Rio not on the hot seat? Raiders gave up 500 yards in each of their first two games, which hasn’t been done in 65 years. Del Rio is a defensive coach, btw.
Major League: Back to Jim Crow
He looks like every asshole spoiled baseball player that I knew growing up put together, with a tinge of Steve Irwin.
In lieu of Press Democrat he is more Zone Coverage Republican.
He is the same Chip Kelly who had a Los Angeles cop go out and “confirm” that DeSean Jackson was gang affiliated (not even sure a cop can do that...) in order to justify running him out of Philadelphia. Maybe he felt like an awful fucking person after that.
At least in football tackling, dirty hitting and such is done on a regular basis. Most good backs and receivers know that any self respecting defender is already trying to literally cripple them, therefore, they’ve become nimble and aware enough to thwart such attempts. The fast ball to the head in baseball is not…
In a sport where someone can throw a hard ball at your head, I can see how players might be cautious of making strong political statements.
I’ve never read an article that made me feel older.
First you attempt to debunk racism as a reason for Keith Scott’s death, because, well, there’s black police and such, and now you think Kim Kardashian has friends? I just can’t deal with people as crazy as you.
Compared to you, pretty much everyone goes far in this world. Right?
The bible got most of it right. They missed the pie part.
That was the highlight of Bush’s presidency. I’m serious. It was his finest moment. The best part is how he comes up and dares the guy to throw the other shoe, which he happily obliges.
I count 9 stitches, and the head bleeds a lot. I imagine it looked a bit gruesome, and that it probably startled the people in attendance who were dressed up and expecting a somewhat professional, stately event.
Well, I did look into your inner thoughts and moral makeup, and I didn’t see much.
Just make sure those hands are up when doing the wave.
John McCain never exactly went into detail as to the effects that a “hundred year war” would have on civilian life.
Wow. And I suppose this would be the first case ever of a black person devaluing another black person based on the same prejudices harbored by white racists. Thanks for bringing us up to speed.
It’s like watching a stage performance of Triumph of the Will.