Max Cherry

Fine. Next time we’ll show the full documentary, where you stuff the ketchup packets into your sock.

White people and their baseball traditions.

I’ve joked about this for years. I’ve stopped correcting facebook friends that post bullshit memes, because they always accuse you of trying to censor their free speech. A couple of generations of de-funding public schools and teaching kids to the test, combined with the garden variety of prescription anti-depressants

Bullshit. They had it cracked all along. They just want to gin up support for circumventing civil liberties in the name of national security as future policy.

Paid by the bag? What kind of shit is that? You guys needed a union.

They threw us off when they changed red bell peppers to 4088. How about that fist code everyone learns? Bananas. 4011. Just like it’s the first food you eat, it’s the first food you learn how to scan at the grocery store, too. And we deny our lineage to apes....

They’re probably fucking with you because...well, let’s face it, you’re the guy that lines all of your groceries up in the basket the way you want them bagged.

Millennials won’t remember this, but it was once standard for thermostats to have a picture of a snowy mountain at one end and a picture of the devil at the other.

They don’t realize how much fucked up shit we see. There are some real weirdos out there that buy some really disturbing combinations of things that you don’t forget about any time soon. As far as the food goes, yeah, we don’t even notice it until the customer brings it up with some self deprecating comment. And heck,

When I worked at a grocery store I used to always laugh when people would be embarrassed about the food they’re buying. I know it’s a cliche, but it’s the truth, we don’t even notice it until you point it out. I just wanted to tell them so badly about the guy that came through my line an hour earlier with a stack of

At least those of us at A’s games know the rules of the game. All 200 of us...

Don’t Giants fans lead the league in fan interference? I believe I read that here before. While it may be true that baseball seating designs just ask for this, it’s still noteworthy that Giants fans commit this infraction more than fans of other teams. Why do fans of other teams understand the game of baseball more

Didn’t I read somewhere that Giants fans lead the league in fan interference? Looks like it’s a real meeting of the douches at AT&T park.

Why’s there a picture of Salinas in the background?

Fuck this asshole.

11 innings. Fucking game is supposed to be over and they know it. It’s the bird equivalent of waiting over an hour for your food at a restaurant.

I feel sorry for women. Thanks to MRA culture, guys that look like Barry Miller think it’s okay to ask for threesomes now.

We need to divide the nation between people that drive into floods and people that don’t.

Just picture a couple of guys that sound like Marky Mark arguing over pizza and whether or not anyone was “fawkin intaferrin’ wit da game” and you have a transcript.

America needs to punish off shore crappy journalism. Only solution.