
No. A common stereotype of ANYONE who’s trying to influence and lead others but doesn’t have a point and or isn’t a leader is referred to as shrill.

I know! Can you believe these people with opinions who vote? What is this country coming to??

Oh honey. You must be new to feminism. EVERYTHING is sexist. Get a clue

You’re right. The media has no influence over people. You’re fucking brilliant.

You should be sorry

That’s because his position is people should do good for themselves. It's called personal responsibility and its continuously amusing how regressives like you pretend free-will doesn't exist.

According to progressives, all those good developments in Philadelphia are bad because it’s gentrification.

Look at the polls, jackass.

And you must not recognize how divided the first night of the convention was, or that Trump is gaining support in Ohio and Florida.

The blood is all over Gawker Media’s hands for stoking the hatred of Hillary for the last year.

Should have spoken up months ago when Jezebel was demonizing Hillary. Now these kids refuse to vote for her because of ‘principles’.

You're confusing braxil with College campuses. College campuses are the rape centers of the world.

In other words, Sai Paulo is wher you want to go when you're ditching your family?

I'm told Denzel can help with such situations.

Christ. Make sure you clarify you don’t hate women. Because someone might slander you with a strawman

It’s difficult the tell the difference isn’t it? Extremists all sound alike don’t they?

That's okay. Keep shit talking Hillary and stay home on Election Day.

Boohoo. Women can do any job a man does. Is that true or not? Are men and women equal or not?

Yeah? Is that why they call in sick when they get their periods?

Lol. Based on your behavior stereotypes apparent my are true. Why bother whitewashing the French stereotype? Try working on your own stereotypical behavior.