Wow- what’s with these older white guys? Do they reach a certain age and their brain breaks? Is this the dude equivalent of menopause?
Wow- what’s with these older white guys? Do they reach a certain age and their brain breaks? Is this the dude equivalent of menopause?
I’m Japanese, and you definitely can make sashimi out of certain freshwater fish—inclucing “Namazu”, aka catfish. That’s literally a photo of Namazu sashimi from a restaurant in Japan.
I mean, one of the highest risk fish for parasites is Salmon, which is frozen at -20 degrees for 48 hours to insure the parasites are…
I’m surprised they’re this interested in him I wouldn’t expect pop to put up with his shit.
I am just going to leave this here and let it marinate in the shittiness of the past few months:
Yes but the problem with unregulated capitalism is you eventually run out of a taxable Middle class.
“more than half of us”
I know Barack is constrained by the tradition that former presidents don’t talk sh*t about how the current president is doing....
Ryan and McConnell are both in too deep to pull out now.
And if a fan yelled loud enough in center field for Adam Jones to hear the N-word, I guarantee you we would’ve heard and seen fans around on CNN on MSNBC, they would’ve found multiple fans to talk about what a racist piece of junk Boston is.
Rock D is a concept artist from China who works in the video game business.
Free People has finally grown up out of their exclusively hippy-dippy, oversized style, though this sale at…
Wait, why is this something to hate on this guy about? I mean, I know hes the Nickleback of sports professionals, but honestly, this man worked his dick off to get a spot.
I’d appreciate some explanation on what was so awful about Alan Wake as well. It was pretty by-the-numbers in terms of game play, certainly, but as a sort of paean to Stephen King’s prose, I thought it worked fairly well.
Why’d you put a 1 in front of the 8?
So refreshing to finally have a government that isn’t made up of delicate little snowflakes like the left is made up of.
They should invite Hillary too. She did win the popular vote, after all.
Hell, go all out and have Alex Baldwin as Trump and Melissa McCarthy as Sean Spicer.
Leslie Jones should sit in as Trump. Doesn’t have to say a word. Just sit next to the comic and pout.
He’s a lot better looking than me