The underwhelming loot really got to me. I have all the weapons and most the armorfrom normal(full set for my main, some on my alts). I don’t see the appeal of the same stuff in black...
The underwhelming loot really got to me. I have all the weapons and most the armorfrom normal(full set for my main, some on my alts). I don’t see the appeal of the same stuff in black...
Does this game allow more player choice? I quit the last game in frustration because I got so angry at Lara being stupid and me not being able to do anything about it but watch and yell at the cut scenes or participate in something I could tell was a terrible plan.
Played through, though had to stop at Oryx. I’ll run alts through soo so I can level a bit higher. I think I’ll stop playing soon, though. I am obsessed with this game, but it’s less fun since Taken King. Hard mode is just a grind. There is no fatebringer or black hammer or other cool gun waiting for me. Just a hope I…
Yeah. Kendall was definitely played by Buffy. I’m not 100% on the details of her adoption but I thought she was just forgotten about. Idk for sure. It was funny as the show was ending SMG did a cameo as a crazy person in the hospital claiming to be Erika Cane’s daughter.
That was Kendall who she gave up for adoption and came back angry/with much drama. I think the one she didn’t know about was the aborted fetus that the doctor illegally harvested and implanted in another woman who later came back and found her also in the steep decline in quality of that program.
I would also like to point out the possibility that Demi unrelatedly saw a picture of a Barbie doll and tweeted. The Zendaya news was not exactly a hot news headline. Seems like something that someone recovering from an eating disorder might mention at some point.
I’m so bitter about the Black Spindle. Lower the light level on future guns/blueprints, sure, but adjusting the light level of my in use gear really bothers me.
Change it. You don’t have time in your life to go by a name you hate. I’m in the process of changing over to a nickname I don’t despise as much as my first and middle. It’s nice and feels a bit more authentic to my person. It’s nicer than it might seem in terms of a happiness change.
She was in it. It deeply disturbed my watching of Demi Lovato.
This is a travesty! Aspartame tasted like yummy chemicals. Sucralose tastes like food from my girlfriend’s grandmother that is clearly trying to kill me. I hate it so much. Damn you splenda. Damn you to the fiery bowls of hell!
Start with Scratch so they get the ideas down and don’t get too frustrated at first. From there they can move to something where they can easily see results. From there pygame maybe? I know python is one of the easier to learn. They can also do something like gamemaker or similar. Eventually with those you have to get…
That is not at all what he said. He said we didn’t want every kid on formula. How does that imply we want no kids on formula? I might be getting salty, but people have been doing this to me all week. Read.
While I don’t think it’s a good idea to force a certain hairlength on male children, it is not a silly double standard. It is a DEEPLY entrenched social and societal norm that girls can be immensely shamed for breaking. Why do you think there are entire charities devoted to making wigs for women and girls who go bald…
Damn. I knew I couldn’t handle the video and didn’t even think to assume it was a home grown hack job :(
No. It is never reasonable unless she damaged the hair in some way and it had to be cut (rats nests from hell or chemical damage). It is never an acceptable punishment. Ever.
Women’s Kelty Dridown bag for $70
Women’s Kelty Dridown bag for $70
^^My vote.
Agreed. We need better wages/worker protections and a guaranteed income in this country. Eventually we will just need less people to work. I don’t know why people can’t accept that is coming and that we need to plan for it.
Anyone else picturing Sam Smith listening to Demi Lovato’s fix a heart on repeat and tweeting that? Becuase that’s the story I have concocted and I’m sticking with it.
The air of mystery only makes me like her more.