
Honestly, that whole bit struck me as incredibly wrong.

Yeah, notice how I didn't say "main characters". Notice that amongst your list of key male characters you are lacking the (nameless) character who had a "rat gnaw through his stomach" which you brought up as an example of the violence male characters are subjected to in your first post, so neither you nor I were

No, women are disproportionately affected. The only reason men come out ahead in your count is because there's more men in the show period.

No, but Stannis has Targaryan ancestry. It's how Robert justified his claim to the throne during the rebellion - his grandmother or somesuch was a Targaryan.

Mmm, I think the show was never Hamlet nor MacBeth. It was always 'The Count of Monte Cristo'. I think there's an interview floating around somewhere where the writers say as much.

Yeah, Emily is very warped, but, well, so are the Graysons, and they have a lot less justification than she does. I really can't see how anyone can root for them over Emily - just observe Victoria's glee tonight as she informs Emily that she can't have children. That is the glee of someone truly delighted with someone

"I'm just saying that the Graysons don't intentionally set out to do evil things."

That may be true in a lot of cases due to the most iconic superheroes - Superman, Spiderman, etc. - being invented in the 1940s-1960s, with their love interests saddled with a lot of gender issues as a result.

"The word "sex" does not imply consent. Rape is defined as non-consensual sex."

"If PDN did use the term rape I think you'd still be complaining he
thinks it's a natural disaster and did not use your desired sentence

I did read it, thank you very much.

"after the 43-year-old director had sex with a 13-year-old girl, Samantha Geimer (nee’ Gailey)"

" way to miss the point. No one said Apatow's (co-)creation of Lindsay Weir gives him a pass for any sexist things he does."

Errr… Sexism isn't a point system. Creating a good feminist character does not give you license to then create a sexist one.