Maybe he can find the articles where the grand wizard of the KKK is endorsing Sanders.
Maybe he can find the articles where the grand wizard of the KKK is endorsing Sanders.
Tell you something you fuck: I have congenital heart disease—my left heart is larget than the right, I have a hole in one ventricle, and even just walking tightens my chest. And I’m just 18.
The only problem is that the comments you percieve as defensive would only be actually defensive if what you said was actually true. See, we are actually here to help you by correcting your incorrect statements. You’re welcome BTW...
How am I not in a position to speak to legal immigration, when I AM a legal immigrant? What I’m saying is that opportunities existed for me that don’t exist for people who need them far more than I do, and that’s bullshit.
Legal alien here. I went through the hassle, sure, but I’m also a highly educated, highly privileged person who chose to move here because I had some opportunities I wanted to check out. Mine is a very different situation than your average migrant worker or DREAMer or anyone fleeing violence in their home country. My…
I have the feeling, despite Mr. Trump’s claims to the contrary, that there’s no need for deep-throating skills in the Trump bedroom.
Was Prince still relevant? Sure he was still putting out albums that no one was buying, but the last time most people heard about Prince was when he put a picture of Dave Chappelle on an album cover. Did I miss the part where David Bowie was still in the news every day right up until he went?
The rash of musician deaths is actually due to Keith Richards’ increasing demand for souls to power his immortality spell. Prince should be enough to keep him going through year-end.
This is in Austin? How did Next Year’s Hottest Newgrass Soul Band Elementary not get any nominations?
I like how “Schoolie McSchoolFace” is the tongue-in-cheek one.
“Robert E. Lee” came in second.
I don’t know what the term is...ironic, perhaps. But we are (rightfully) celebrating Harriet Tubman because she barely escaped the horrendous conditions condoned by this country. It’s like the U.S. is saying, “Congratulations on putting your life on the line to get you and some of your people out of the oppressive…
I actually was just rereading that story! I remember hearing it when it aired and guessed that was what Dr. Carson was trying to say, if he was trying to say anything at all.
Fuck that. they had no reason to assault that guy, and they’re goddamn lucky they didn’t get shot. Too many “motorcyclists” are 19-year-old douchebags who act like the world is their playground. They all need a good walloping upside their heads with a police baton.
Wishing for something to happen will never make it so, not now, not ever. If you believe wishes come true you’ll believe anything; the real problems begin when wishers vote other wishers into office where they create wishing-based legislation instead of using science/reason to guide their thoughts. Wishing has…
He’s an 84 year old white man whose heyday was the 1960's.
Not just that. People are applying to those schools way less because they don’t want to put up with all that bullshit.
No it’s true. Also, BLM people drive around campuses at night with their headlights off, and if another car flashes their high beams at them they are ambushed and expelled for triggering.
With their right to participate in government, I guess? I didn’t realize this was an issue. Of course if you can vote in the general election, you should participate in the primary.
To make matters worse, I heard police also found his Syrian passport at the scene.