Manual transmissions. There, I said it, and I’ll happily turn in my “enthusiast” card. Clutching in stop and go traffic was a literal pain in the ass that I’m perfectly happy never experiencing again.
Manual transmissions. There, I said it, and I’ll happily turn in my “enthusiast” card. Clutching in stop and go traffic was a literal pain in the ass that I’m perfectly happy never experiencing again.
Jason’s summary quite garbled what the topic was. Several Senators have floated the idea of assessing a tax on unrealized gains; Musk was simply pointing out that based on his financial situation, he would need to sell shares to pay that assessment. There currently is not a tax on unrealized capital gains.
If you buy an electric vehicle—any electric vehicle—in the United States right now, you qualify for a $7,500 tax incentive.
The first sentence of the article is wrong, anyways. If you buy a Tesla or a Bolt, you get zero tax credit. Those also happen to be 5/6 of the fully electric vehicle models produced in the United States, and the five most popular electric vehicles in the United States.
I predict 2029MY vehicles (HD trucks especially) will become more valuable than gold in the PNW.
Tesla is actually in trouble here.
Here’s my sample article:
Car drive good. Except on bump roods. There it be “banga-banga-banga”. No room for taxidermy bear in back. 2 stars.
Counterpoint: All Cops Are Bastards
I’d be curious to know if they have anything in their paperwork to truck buyers about the rig only for special use.
Maybe not in your state, but here in Washington I am fairly certain it is illegal for a brodozer to lack one of these stickers - or one that says Molon Labe
You don’t find it the least bit ironic that they “RESPECT THE LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS” but don’t respect the laws they are sworn to uphold?
Strawman is strawman...
First of all, “rolling coal” isn’t why they got in trouble. This isn’t a thing the vast majority of diesel owners do. This is just a silly thing a small niche of people do because they are obnoxious.
“and a thin blue line decal in the back window”
It actually gets about the same MPG on the big tires as it does on stock ones, because it changed the gearing and I’m not in boost at 70 anymore. And it still has all of its original smog equipment, including a functional catalyst, and passes an annual emissions test. Also, I haven’t driven it in 4 months, so it’s…
Never in my life have I understood why the big truck bros are so threatened by teslas and Priuses and clean air that they feel the need to “roll coal”. Honestly, it’s just awful bully behavior emblematic of pretty much everything wrong with our divided nation right now.
Screw the environment. All you pansies just like to complain and blame others. I’m tired of feeling like I have to apologize for something I didn’t do. So instead, let me live up to your expectations. After all, it’s what you already expect, right? So I’m going to eat red meat, throw my McDonald’s trash out onto the…