
I took the liberty of drawing you this "masterpiece". Instead of 30 minutes though, I took 30 seconds. Please let me know if you wish to purchase this for $20. It is called masterpiece.png

Also, it looks like klmekaro's joke went over your head, which isn't surprising given the argument you presented to me.
Lastly, it

I looked at the artists etsy page, and most of the "masterpieces" look like they took 30 minutes to draw. The Howl's moving Castle is especially underwhelming as it looks like some amateur on Deviantart who just started drawing anime. I guess as long as it's obscure, people will call anything a "masterpiece".

I disagree. It doesn't have to be linear. See, you can have a linear AAA story inside an open world game. The difference between the open world linearity of story and a purely linear story is that in an open world game, you can venture off and do whatever else you want if you're not in the mood to mess with the story,

Calm and collected isn't the intention here. Calm and collected also wasn't anywhere to be found in the post I responded to. More importantly, your dodging of the point aside, and the irrelevancy of what I think about Bayonetta personally aside, I can't really put together how my pointing out the hypocrasy of SJW's

"What?! A woman in a videogame isn't a transgender lesbo autistqueen of spiced pumkin lattedom? AND WHAT'S THIS? A MAN IS SAVING HER?! Better fling some shit about it all over any representation of this game to make sure this developer knows they aren't making a game fit to my dumbshit ideals. Fuck freedom of speech

Please be a troll.

Them Nippons always get the best shit. Even their McDonalds trump most McDonalds in the states. Mad jelly.

Right, and getting years in prison for having a work of artistic fiction is totally not weird at all. Whether you support creative freedom or not, anyone can see that putting someone in jail for possessing a drawing is far more backwards a policy than letting perverts be perverts without hurting anyone.

It's just a god damn shame it's exclusive to the Wii U. I'll never get over it.

How to get your game some free publicity:
Step 1: Make a silly game about killing people.
Step 2: Stress that the game is about hate. This is important for placebo affect to kick in.
Step 3: Watch as trendy trenders in the media start to believe that the game "Affects and disturbs" them in ways other games that are far

I think you mean Battlestar Galactica sounds too much like Yamato. Do your research.