
Wow. Penny Arcade is just plain bad. Time to hang it up.

Has anybody seen Ja Rule?

Getting into an aero tuck requires good habits, since the hems can get caught in the crank.

Now playing

Found a leaked version- watch before it gets yanked!

I don’t like wrestling, but I like when wrestling fans get upset about wrestling.

Now playing

Maybe he can go back and play for his high school team again

That was a long walk, but it was worth it.

Deep in the Amazon basin there are people who have lived for centuries, maybe millennia with almost no contact with the outside world. They have been born, lived, raised their children and died for generations without seeing anything beyond their forest home. Because of their remote location and the difficulty of

when i typed that sentence i smiled to myself and thought “this will get someone mad”

“There” “Were” “others” “games?”

You will need a screwdriver, a pair of tweezers, a magnifying glass (optional), some salt (~1tbsp), and a bag of chicken feed, preferably corn-based.

It really helped me understand that 5 percent number when I heard someone say that the NRA is not an organization for gun owners but an organization for gun manufacturers.

Lol, lame. Sure. Sorry, I can’t justify spending money on a console when I can play that console’s games on a PC. It isn’t that I don’t like Microsoft’s games; it’s that their console is rendered pointless the minute they publish everything on a better platform. This was completely different story on the 360, which

Instead Sony decided to close out with a damp squib that was Spider-Man. Not only did it mechanically play like an Arkham series clone

They really didn’t have that many exclusives. Everything they showed is either already available on PC or will launch simultaneously on PC, and they had far more third party, multiplatform games to show like Anthem, Shadow of War, AC: Origins, Life is Strange, Tacoma, Dragonball Fighter Z, Metro, and a bevy of indies.

It was 90 minutes and while there were some true reveals and exclusives in there the vast majority was “shit already on PC but now on console too”.

Actually, Miles is there because he gave Molecule Man a hamburger. That is why he still exists on Earth-616.

“Lucy! Lucy, get in here!”

Well, possibly. They could also draw Chipotle, a local pub, or a Home Depot. RNG is crazy this season.

I miss the spoken entries from the first game... Could listen to them all day.