
Yeah, I feel like... the very first MCU film was explicitly about a guy learning how being Northrop Grumman is bad.

I know y’all need the revenue, but didn’t you mock these fucks (as they deserve) all day on Gizmodo???

I know y’all need the revenue, but didn’t you mock these fucks (as they deserve) all day on Gizmodo???

You will, but it’ll cost 1500 VC to unlock the pose.

This needs every star. +1 left turn.

Not A Single Clue About Racism

Honestly, how long, and how many times is the NBA going to suspend LeBron James? Steph Curry?

Forcing private citizens to stand for the National Anthem is the most perversely unpatriotic thing I can imagine. They are not military personnel. They are not representing the United States of America. A good number of them are not Americans. You want to play your little song, fine (not really, that’s also weird, but

So last week I had to say I was “Team NFL,” and that made me queasy but it was fine because it was against “Team Trump.”

Yeah I was totally confused for a solid minute by that sentence and a google search.

“On Patty Mills’s decision to resign with the Spurs because of the team’s culture”

I’ve long believed that the solution to this problem is to try to inform and educate more people about how games are made...

As an addendum, Russell Wilson released a personal statement on the matter:

Kevin Durant has already burned Trump from four different accounts.

Man, Penn State fucked up!

I’d like to extend my sympathy to the White Sox on their embarrassment:

Stick to sprots


Special editions are just another way to increase profitability, like microtransactions or pre-order bonuses. It was only a matter of time before they started cutting corners to make some more.

I guess it’s kind of already going up stealthily. We will pay $60 for Destiny, and then $15-20 each for 2 follow up DLCs and maybe $30 for a third bigger one. I’m guessing that these are more profitable because most of the groundwork is already there? Right?