There is no way this is true. The only time they mentioned the omnibus was when they were giving away prize subscriptions and if someone who won one already pre-ordered they would get the book instead.
There is no way this is true. The only time they mentioned the omnibus was when they were giving away prize subscriptions and if someone who won one already pre-ordered they would get the book instead.
“Awww yes! Jarra’s Wrath!”
That’s what a season pass is for ;)
Sigh. It’s not the same without the Deadcast to break it down :(
hahah that was bugging me too.
I’m the exact same boat - Massachusetts native, living in KC. Every 30 seconds is another “GET LOUD” on the jumbotron.
All non-championship banners are dumb right? Like you shouldn’t be allowed to hang a “Best Fans 2011-2012" Banner or “Attendance Champions 2013" Banner right? I guess I can make an exception for NCAA Basketball - Final Four banner is fine.
Asked this to the Funbag but didn’t get a response so I’ll try it here:
Same here. Went and changed my message settings to only get them from friends. I don’t need randos messaging me anyhow.
The Joy-cons are $80. No way are they giving out free games just to get “Goodwill”...
You earned that star.
As far as I can tell (mostly stories on /r/overwatch) the biggest problem seems to be the PC Bangs in S.Korea where hackers are running rampant. Blizzard understandably doesn’t want to create a PCBang only server, but that may be the only solution to the problem.
Jason - what JRPG is the one you would recommend for someone who has never played one before? I have a PS4, 360, iPad and a Mac.
I have never played a JRPG. I like Western RPGs a lot and have listened to Jason go on and on about them on the podcast, so I’m curious what all the fuss is about. What is the first JRPG I should play if I want a good first impression.
If you don’t like it you don’t need to purchase it. It’s not like it will make sense to have it equipped 2 months from now anyhow.