
I'm all in. I swore I wasn't going to pay attention to the game tonight and I promised myself I wouldn't root for the Patriots. But it turned out I couldn't help myself. That game was on and I was yelling with the best of them. I even got a tad ugly when they won and then felt guilty for gloating. Don't have

The show that came to mind instantly, and I know it's been mentioned quite a few times, is How I Met Your Mother. I watched it religiously but the last season ruined the whole thing for me. It may be silly, but I was so furious at a number of choices they made that I can't look at it again, even the early seasons.

I spent a whole summer watching a children's theater perform Assassins. Please take a moment and imagine that.

I'm old. Does anyone else remember the Enjoli ad that was out around 1980? Didn't think so. Anyway, the song used was "I'm A Woman" but with some lyric changes: "I can bring home the bacon, fry it up in a pan, and never let you forget you're a man". Tall order! I think those were the kind of expectations Peggy

So nice to know I'm not the only one. Of course it's worth writing - Penis Harris is a fine name and attention must be paid! It's too bad I already named both my kids..

I really try to read all the comments before jumping in so I don't repeat what's already been said but it's late. I can't say how excited I am to see so much "Justified" love. It's about time. And two nominations for Walton Goggins. Somebody finally got it right!

Am I the only one that finds Dean Winters crazy attractive? Am I weird? I even liked him as Mayhem. Actually, I especially liked him as Mayhem.

Yes, she replaced Mary Martin. From what I can tell she was about 20 years younger than Mary Martin (which I didn't know until about five minutes ago). That means that she was pretty young for the role.

Nooo - Carol Lawrence has had a very long career. She was in "I Do, I Do" on Broadway and was back again in "Kiss Of The Spider Woman", taking over the role when Chita Rivera left. Apparently she has been part of many touring companies over the years and has done a lot of TV work. Also, she was married to Robert
