
No, it is *cooked* bones that are dangerous.  Raw bones of any kind are ok.  Cooked bones of any kind can and will shatter and hurt the dog.

As a former NCAA DIII tennis player(so a bit more lax in terms of your ranking) whose brother played for a top DI(which Tulane is) school, this is not true at all. Tennis players must perform and have a high regional and national ranking (and international for top DI). This woman had no actual hope of getting on the

Oh you can vape cannabis oil in a JUUL....I know But there is a new oil vape from PAX that is the same form factor as the JUUL and I have been trying it since the prototype phase, I approve.

(don’t post about it on a high traffic blog) At this point, sharing secrets spots on the interwebs just doesn’t seem to work out well. I just go by word of mouth now.

If you are making a trip back to Prewitt Ridge for thanksgiving be warned, the magic is gone this year. Piles of trash and toilet paper and people stacked up on each other. I have been going for years and have never been so disappointed by people.